Contributing to Fuel Library

Contributing to Fuel Library

This chapter explains how to add a new module or project into the Fuel Library, how to integrate with other components, and how to avoid different problems and potential mistakes. The Fuel Library is a very big project and even experienced Puppet users may have problems understanding its structure and internal workings.

Adding new modules to fuel-library

Case A. Pulling in an existing module

If you are adding a module that is the work of another project and is already tracked in a separate repo:

  1. Create a review request with an unmodified copy of the upstream module from which you are working and no other related modifications.
    • This review should also contain the commit hash from the upstream repo in the commit message.
    • The review should be evaluated to determine its suitability and either rejected (for licensing, code quality, outdated version requested) or accepted without requiring modifications.
    • The review should not include code that calls this new module.
  2. Any changes necessary to make it work with Fuel should then be proposed as a dependent change(s).

Case B. Adding a new module

If you are adding a new module that is a work purely for Fuel and is not tracked in a separate repo, submit incremental reviews that consist of working implementations of features for your module.

If you have features that are necessary but do not yet work fully, then prevent them from running during the deployment. Once your feature is complete, submit a review to activate the module during deployment.

Contributing to existing fuel-library modules

As developers of Puppet modules, we tend to collaborate with the Puppet OpenStack community. As a result, we contribute to upstream modules all of the improvements, fixes and customizations we make to improve Fuel as well. That implies that every contributor must follow Puppet DSL basics, puppet-openstack dev docs and Puppet rspec tests requirements.

The most common and general rule is that upstream modules should be modified only when bugfixes and improvements could benefit everyone in the community. And appropriate patch should be proposed to the upstream project prior to Fuel project.

In other cases (like applying some very specific custom logic or settings) contributor should submit patches to openstack::* classes

Fuel library includes custom modules as well as ones forked from upstream sources. Note that Modulefile, if any exists, should be used in order to recognize either given module is forked upstream one or not. In case there is no Modulefile in module’s directory, the contributor may submit a patch directly to this module in Fuel library. Otherwise, he or she should submit patch to upstream module first, and once merged or +2 recieved from a core reviewer, the patch should be backported to Fuel library as well. Note that the patch submitted for Fuel library should contain in commit message the upstream commit SHA or link to github pull-request (if the module is not on or Change-Id of gerrit patch.

The Puppet modules structure

Code that is contributed into the Fuel Library should be organized into a Puppet module. A module is a self-contained set of Puppet code that is usually made to perform a specific function. For example, you could have a module for each service you are going to configure or for every part of your project. Usually it is a good idea to make a module independent but sometimes it may require or be required by other modules. You can think of a module as a sort of library.

The most important part of every Puppet module is its manifests folder. This folder contains Puppet classes and definitions which also contain resources managed by this module. Modules and classes also form namespaces. Each class or definition should be placed into a single file inside the manifests folder and this file should have the same name as the class or definition. The module should have a top level class that serves as the module’s entry point and is named same as the module. This class should be placed into the init.pp file. This example module shows the standard structure that every Puppet module should follow:


The first file in the manifests folder is named init.pp and should contain the entry point class of this module. This class should have the same name as the module:

class example {


The second file is params.pp. This file is not mandatory but is often used to store different configuration values and parameters that are used by other classes of the module. For example, it could contain the service name and package name of our hypothetical example module. Conditional statements might be included if you need to change default values in different environments. The params class should be named as a child to the module’s namespace as are all other classes of the module:

class example::params {
  $service = 'example'
  $server_package = 'example-server'
  $client_package = 'example-client'
  $server_port = '80'

All other files inside the manifests folder contain classes as well and can perform any action you might want to identify as a separate piece of code. This generally falls into sub-classes that do not require its users to configure the parameters explicitly, or may be optional classes that are not required in all cases. In the following example, we create a client class that defines a client package that will be installed and placed into a file called client.pp:

class example::client {
  include example::params

  package { $example::params::client_package :
    ensure => installed,


As you can see, we have used the package name from params class. Consolidating all values that might require editing into a single class, as opposed to hardcoding them, allows you to reduce the effort required to maintain and develop the module further in the future. If you are going to use any values from the params class, you should include it first to force its code to execute and create all required variables.

You can add more levels into the namespace structure if you want. Let’s create server folder inside our manifests folder and add the service.pp file there. It would be responsible for installing and running the server part of our imaginary software. Placing the class inside the subfolder adds one level into the name of the contained class.:

class example::server::service (
  $port = $example::params::server_port,
) inherits example::params {

  $package = $example::params::server_package
  $service = $example::params::service

  package { $package :
    ensure => installed,

  service { $service :
    ensure     => running,
    enabled    => true,
    hasstatus  => true,
    hasrestart => true,

  file { 'example_config' :
    ensure  => present,
    path    => '/etc/example.conf',
    owner   => 'root',
    group   => 'root',
    mode    => '0644',
    content => template('example/server.conf.erb'),

  file { 'example_config_dir' :
    ensure => directory,
    path   => '/etc/example.d',
    owner  => 'example',
    group  => 'example',
    mode   => '0755',

  Package[$package] -> File['example_config', 'example_config_dir'] ~>


This example is a bit more complex. Let’s see what it does.

Class example::server::service is parametrized and can accept one parameter: the port to which the server process should bind. It also uses a popular “smart defaults” hack. This class inherits the params class and uses its default values only if no port parameter is provided. In this case, you cannot use include params to load the default values because it is called by the inherits example::params clause of the class definition.

Inside our class, we take several variables from the params class and declare them as variables of the local scope. This is a convenient practice to make their names shorter.

Next we declare our resources. These resources are package, service, config file and config dir. The package resource installs the package whose name is taken from the variable if it is not already installed. File resources create the config file and config dir; the service resource starts the daemon process and enables its autostart.

The final part of this class is the dependency declaration. We have used a “chain” syntax to specify the order of evaluation of these resources. It is important to install the package first, then install the configuration files and only then start the service. Trying to start the service before installing the package will definitely fail. So we need to tell Puppet that there are dependencies between our resources.

The arrow operator that has a tilde instead of a minus sign (~>) means not only dependency relationship but also notifies the object to the right of the arrow to refresh itself. In our case, any changes in the configuration file would make the service restart and load a new configuration file. Service resources react to the notification event by restating the managed service. Other resources may instead perform other supported actions.

The configuration file content is generated by the template function. Templates are text files that use Ruby’s erb language tags and are used to generate a text file using pre-defined text and some variables from the manifest.

These template files are located inside the templates folder of the module and usually have the erb extension. When a template function is called with the template name and module name prefix, Fuel tries to load this template and compile it using variables from the local scope of the class function from which the template was called. For example, the following template saved in the templates folder as server.conf.erb file is a setting to bind the port of our service:

bind_port = <%= @port %>

The template function will replace the ‘port’ tag with the value of the port variable from our class during Puppet’s catalog compilation.

If the service needs several virtual hosts, you need to define definitions, which are similar to classes but, unlike classes, they have titles like resources do and can be used many times with different titles to produce many instances of the managed resources. Classes cannot be declared several times with different parameters.

Definitions are placed in single files inside the manifests directories just as classes are and are named in a similar way, using the namespace hierarchy. Let’s create our vhost definition.:

define example::server::vhost (
  $path = '/var/data',
) {
  include example::params

  $config = “/etc/example.d/${title}.conf”
  $service = $example::params::service

  file { $config :
    ensure  => present,
    owner   => 'example',
    group   => 'example',
    mode    => '0644',
    content => template('example/vhost.conf.erb'),

  File[$config] ~> Service[$service]

This defined type only creates a file resource with its name populated by the title that is used when it gets defined. It sets the notification relationship with the service to make it restart when the vhost file is changed.

This defined type can be used by other classes like a simple resource type to create as many vhost files as we need.:

example::server::vhost { 'mydata' :
  path => '/path/to/my/data',

Defined types can form relationships in the same way as resources do but you need to capitalize all elements of the path to make the reference:

File['/path/to/my/data'] -> Example::Server::Vhost['mydata']

This is works for text files but binary files must be handled differently. Binary files or text files that will always be same can be placed into the files directory of the module and then be taken by the file resource.

To illustrate this, let’s add a file resource for a file that contains some binary data that must be distributed in our client package. The file resource is the example::client class:

file { 'example_data' :
  path   => '/var/lib/',
  owner  => 'example',
  group  => 'example',
  mode   => '0644',
  source => 'puppet:///modules/example/',

We have specified source as a special puppet URL scheme with the module’s and the file’s name. This file will be placed in the specified location when Puppet runs. On each run, Puppet will check this file’s checksum, overwriting it if the checksum changes; note that this method should not be used with mutable data. Puppet’s fileserving works in both client-server and masterless modes.

We now have all classes and resources that are required to manage our hypothetical example service. Our example class defined inside init.pp is still empty so we can use it to declare all other classes to put everything together:

class example {
  include example::params
  include example::client

  class { 'example::server::service' :
    port => '100',

  example::server::vhost { 'site1' :
    path => '/data/site1',

  example::server::vhost { 'site2' :
    path => '/data/site2',

  example::server::vhost { 'test' :
    path => '/data/test',


Now we have entire module packed inside example class and we can just include this class to any node where we want to see our service running. Declaration of parametrized class also did override default port number from params file and we have three separate virtual hosts for out service. Client package is also included into this class.

Adding Python code to fuel-library

All Python code that is added to fuel-library must pass style checks and have tests written.

Whole test suite is run by It uses a virtualenv in which all Python modules from python-tests-requirements.txt are installed. If tests need any third-party library, it should be added as a requirement into this file.

Before starting any test for Python code, test suite runs style checks for any Python code found in fuel-library. Those checks are performed by flake8 (for more information, see the flake8 documentation) with additional hacking checks installed. Those checks are a set of guidelines for Python code. More information about those guidelines could be found in hacking documentation

If, for some reason, you need to disable style checks in the given file you can add the following line at the beginning of the file::

# flake8: noqa

After style checks, test suite will execute Python tests by using py.test test runner. py.test will look for Python files whose names begin with ‘test_’ and will search for the tests in them. Documentation on how to write tests could be found in the official Python documentation and py.test documentation.