aws (AWS Provider)

aws (AWS Provider)

The aws provider enables configuration of the Terraform AWS Provider.

Example Usage

      external_id: "EXTERNAL_ID"
      role_arn: "arn:aws:iam::ACCOUNT_ID:role/ROLE_NAME"
      session_name: "SESSION_NAME"
      dynamodb: "http://localhost:4569"
      s3: "http://localhost:4572"
    region: "us-west-2"
      Owner: "Dev Team A"
      Environment: "production"


Setting Type Default Description
access_key String
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID environment variable
AWS shared credentials file, must specify profile
AWS access key ID
allowed_account_ids String None List of allowed, white listed, AWS account IDs
assume_role Object None ARN role that Terraform will attempt to assume
endpoints Object None Configuration block for customizing service endpoints
forbidden_account_ids String None List of forbidden, blacklisted, AWS account IDs
insecure Boolean false Allows insecure SSL requests
max_retries String None Maximum number of times an API call is retried
profile String None Profile name in the AWS shared credentials file
region String
AWS_DEFAULT_REGION environment variable
AWS shared credentials file, must specify profile
Region to use for provisioning resources
secret_key String
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variable
AWS shared credentials file, must specify profile
AWS secret access key
shared_credentials_file String “~/.aws/credentials” Path to the shared credentials file
skip_credentials_validation Boolean false Skips the credentials validation via the STS API
skip_get_ec2_platforms Boolean false Skips getting the supported EC2 platforms
skip_region_validation Boolean false Skips validation of the provided region name
tags Object(key-value pairs) None Key-value pairs to assign to every resource that supports tagging
token String AWS_SESSION_TOKEN environment variable Session token for validating temporary credentials