MKE Configuration File

MKE Configuration File

There are two ways to configure MKE:

  • through the web interface, or
  • by importing and exporting the MKE config in a TOML file.

You can customize the MKE installation by creating a configuration file at the time of installation. During the installation, MKE detects and starts using the configuration specified in this file.

You can use the configuration file in different ways to set up your MKE cluster.

  • Install one cluster and use the MKE web interface to configure it as desired, export the configuration file, edit it as needed, and then import the edited configuration file into multiple other clusters.
  • Install a MKE cluster, export and edit the configuration file, and then use the API to import the new configuration into the same cluster.
  • Run the example-config command, edit the example configuration file, and set the configuration at install time or import after installation.

Specify your configuration settings in a TOML file.

Export and modify an existing configuration

Use the config-toml API to export the current settings and write them to a file. Within the directory of a MKE admin user’s client certificate bundle, the following command exports the current configuration for the MKE hostname UCP_HOST to a file named ucp-config.toml:

Get an authtoken

AUTHTOKEN=$(curl --silent --insecure --data '{"username":"<username>","password":"<password>"}' https://UCP_HOST/auth/login | jq --raw-output .auth_token)

Download config file

curl -X GET "https://UCP_HOST/api/ucp/config-toml" -H  "accept: application/toml" -H  "Authorization: Bearer $AUTHTOKEN" > ucp-config.toml

Upload config file

After you finish editing the ucp-config.toml file, upload it back to MKE. Be aware, though, that if significant time has passed since the authtoken was first acquired, it may be necessary to reacquire the AUTHTOKEN prior to running the following PUT command.

curl -X PUT -H  "accept: application/toml" -H "Authorization: Bearer $AUTHTOKEN" --upload-file 'path/to/ucp-config.toml' https://UCP_HOST/api/ucp/config-toml

Apply an existing configuration file at install time

You can configure MKE to import an existing configuration file at install time. To do this using the Configs feature of Docker Swarm, follow these steps.

  1. Create a Docker Swarm Config object with a name of com.docker.ucp.config and the TOML value of your MKE configuration file contents.
  2. When installing MKE on that cluster, specify the --existing-config flag to have the installer use that object for its initial configuration.
  3. After installation, delete the com.docker.ucp.config object.

Example configuration file

You can see an example TOML config file that shows how to configure MKE settings. From the command line, run MKE with the example-config option:

docker container run --rm docker/ucp:3.2.5 example-config

Configuration options

auth table

Parameter Required Description
backend no The name of the authorization backend to use, either managed or ldap. The default is managed.
default_new_user_role no The role that new users get for their private resource sets. Values are admin, viewonly, scheduler, restrictedcontrol, or fullcontrol. The default is restrictedcontrol.


Parameter Required Description
lifetime_minutes no The initial session lifetime, in minutes. The default is 60 minutes.
renewal_threshold_minutes no The length of time, in minutes, before the expiration of a session where, if used, a session will be extended by the current configured lifetime from then. A zero value disables session extension. The default is 20 minutes.
per_user_limit no The maximum number of sessions that a user can have active simultaneously. If creating a new session would put a user over this limit, the least recently used session will be deleted. A value of zero disables limiting the number of sessions that users may have. The default is 10.
store_token_per_session no If set, the user token is stored in sessionStorage instead of localStorage. Note that this option will log the user out and require them to log back in since they are actively changing how their authentication is stored.

registries array (optional)

An array of tables that specifies the MSR instances that the current MKE instance manages.

Parameter Required Description
host_address yes The address for connecting to the MSR instance tied to this MKE cluster.
service_id yes The MSR instance’s OpenID Connect Client ID, as registered with the Docker authentication provider.
ca_bundle no If you’re using a custom certificate authority (CA), ca_bundle specifies the root CA bundle for the MSR instance. The value is a string with the contents of a ca.pem file.

audit_log_configuration table (optional)

Configures audit logging options for MKE components.

Parameter Required Description
level no Specify the audit logging level. Leave empty for disabling audit logs (default). Other legal values are metadata and request.
support_dump_include_audit_logs no When set to true, support dumps will include audit logs in the logs of the ucp-controller container of each manager node. The default is false.

scheduling_configuration table (optional)

Specifies scheduling options and the default orchestrator for new nodes.


If you run the kubectl command, such as kubectl describe nodes, to view scheduling rules on Kubernetes nodes, it does not reflect what is configured in MKE Admin settings. MKE uses taints to control container scheduling on nodes and is unrelated to kubectl’s Unschedulable boolean flag.

Parameter Required Description
enable_admin_ucp_schedulin no Set to true to allow admins to schedule on containers on manager nodes. The default is false.
default_node_orchestrator no Sets the type of orchestrator to use for new nodes that are joined to the cluster. Can be swarm or kubernetes. The default is swarm.

tracking_configuration table (optional)

Specifies the analytics data that MKE collects.

Parameter Required Description
disable_usageinfo no Set to true to disable analytics of usage information. The default is false.
disable_tracking no Set to true to disable analytics of API call information. The default is false.
cluster_label no Set a label to be included with analytics.

trust_configuration table (optional)

Specifies whether MSR images require signing.

Parameter Required Description
require_content_trust no Set to true to require images be signed by content trust. The default is false.
require_signature_from no A string array that specifies users or teams which must sign images.
allow_repos no A string array that specifies the repos to be bypassed for content trust check, for example [“” , “” ….]

log_configuration table (optional)

Configures the logging options for MKE components.

Parameter Required Description
protocol no The protocol to use for remote logging. Values are tcp and udp. The default is tcp.
host no Specifies a remote syslog server to send MKE controller logs to. If omitted, controller logs are sent through the default docker daemon logging driver from the ucp-controller container.
level no The logging level for MKE components. Values are syslog priority levels: debug, info, notice, warning, err, crit, alert, and emerg.

license_configuration table (optional)

Specifies whether the your MKE license is automatically renewed.

Parameter Required Description
auto_refresh no Set to true to enable attempted automatic license renewal when the license nears expiration. If disabled, you must manually upload renewed license after expiration. The default is true.

custom headers (optional)

Included when you need to set custom API headers. You can repeat this section multiple times to specify multiple separate headers. If you include custom headers, you must specify both name and value.


Item Description
name Set to specify the name of the custom header with name = “X-Custom-Header-Name”.
value Set to specify the value of the custom header with value = “Custom Header Value”.

user_workload_defaults (optional)

A map describing default values to set on Swarm services at creation time if those fields are not explicitly set in the service spec.



Parameter Required Description
[tasktemplate.restartpolicy.delay] no Delay between restart attempts (ns|us|ms|s|m|h). The default is value = "5s".
[tasktemplate.restartpolicy.maxattempts] no Maximum number of restarts before giving up. The default is value = "3".

cluster_config table (required)

Configures the cluster that the current MKE instance manages.

The dns, dns_opt, and dns_search settings configure the DNS settings for MKE components. Assigning these values overrides the settings in a container’s /etc/resolv.conf file.

Parameter Required Description
controller_port yes Configures the port that the ucp-controller listens to. The default is 443.
kube_apiserver_port yes Configures the port the Kubernetes API server listens to.
swarm_port yes Configures the port that the ucp-swarm-manager listens to. The default is 2376.
swarm_strategy no Configures placement strategy for container scheduling. This doesn’t affect swarm-mode services. Values are spread, binpack, and random.
dns yes Array of IP addresses to add as nameservers.
dns_opt yes Array of options used by DNS resolvers.
dns_search yes Array of domain names to search when a bare unqualified hostname is used inside of a container.
profiling_enabled no Set to true to enable specialized debugging endpoints for profiling MKE performance. The default is false.
kv_timeout no Sets the key-value store timeout setting, in milliseconds. The default is 5000.
kv_snapshot_count Required Sets the key-value store snapshot count setting. The default is 20000.
external_service_lb no Specifies an optional external load balancer for default links to services with exposed ports in the web interface.
cni_installer_url no Specifies the URL of a Kubernetes YAML file to be used for installing a CNI plugin. Applies only during initial installation. If empty, the default CNI plugin is used.
metrics_retention_time no Adjusts the metrics retention time.
metrics_scrape_interval no Sets the interval for how frequently managers gather metrics from nodes in the cluster.
metrics_disk_usage_interval no Sets the interval for how frequently storage metrics are gathered. This operation can be expensive when large volumes are present.
rethinkdb_cache_size no Sets the size of the cache used by MKE’s RethinkDB servers. The default is 1GB, but leaving this field empty or specifying auto instructs RethinkDB to determine a cache size automatically.
exclude_server_identity_headers no Set to true to disable the X-Server-Ip and X-Server-Name headers.
cloud_provider no Set the cloud provider for the kubernetes cluster.
pod_cidr yes Sets the subnet pool from which the IP for the Pod should be allocated from the CNI ipam plugin. Default is
calico_mtu no Set the MTU (maximum transmission unit) size for the Calico plugin.
ipip_mtu no Set the IPIP MTU size for the calico IPIP tunnel interface.
azure_ip_count yes Set the IP count for azure allocator to allocate IPs per Azure virtual machine.
service_cluster_ip_range yes Sets the subnet pool from which the IP for Services should be allocated. Default is
nodeport_range yes Set the port range that for Kubernetes services of type NodePort can be exposed in. Default is 32768-35535.
custom_kube_api_server_flags no Set the configuration options for the Kubernetes API server. (dev)
custom_kube_controller_manager_flags no Set the configuration options for the Kubernetes controller manager. (dev)
custom_kubelet_flags no Set the configuration options for Kubelets. (dev)
custom_kube_scheduler_flags no Set the configuration options for the Kubernetes scheduler. (dev)
local_volume_collection_mapping no Store data about collections for volumes in MKE’s local KV store instead of on the volume labels. This is used for enforcing access control on volumes.
manager_kube_reserved_resources no Reserve resources for MKE and Kubernetes components which are running on manager nodes.
worker_kube_reserved_resources no Reserve resources for MKE and Kubernetes components which are running on worker nodes.
kubelet_max_pods yes Set Number of Pods that can run on a node. Default is 110.
secure_overlay no Set to true to enable IPSec network encryption in Kubernetes. Default is false.
image_scan_aggregation_enabled no Set to true to enable image scan result aggregation. This feature displays image vulnerabilities in shared resource/containers and shared resources/images pages. Default is false.
swarm_polling_disabled no Set to true to turn off auto-refresh (which defaults to 15 seconds) and only call the Swarm API once. Default is false.


dev indicates that the functionality is only for development and testing. Arbitrary Kubernetes configuration parameters are not tested and supported under the Docker Enterprise Software Support Agreement.

iSCSI (optional)

Configures iSCSI options for MKE.

Parameter Required Description
--storage-iscsi=true no Enables iSCSI based Persistent Volumes in Kubernetes. Default value is false.
--iscsiadm-path=<path> no Specifies the path of the iscsiadm binary on the host. Default value is /usr/sbin/iscsiadm.
--iscsidb-path=<path> no specifies the path of the iscsi database on the host. Default value is /etc/iscsi.


Configures a pre-logon message.

Parameter Required Description
pre_logon_message no Sets pre-logon message to alert users before they proceed with login.