mirantis/ucp support

mirantis/ucp support

Use this command to create a support dump for specified MKE nodes.

This command creates a support dump file for the specified node(s), and prints it to stdout. This includes the ID of the MKE components running on the node. The ID matches what you see when running the docker info command while using a client bundle, and is used by other commands as confirmation.


docker container run --rm \
     --name ucp \
     --log-driver none \
     --volume /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
     docker/ucp \
     support [command options] > docker-support.tgz


Option Description
--debug, -D Enable debug mode
--jsonlog Produce json formatted output for easier parsing.

Submit support dump to Mirantis Customer Support along with the following information:

  • Cluster ID
  • MKE version
  • MCR version
  • OS/architecture
  • Cluster size