CLI access

CLI access

With Mirantis Kubernetes Engine you can continue using the tools you know and love like the Docker CLI client and kubectl. You just need to download and use a MKE client bundle.

A client bundle contains a private and public key pair that authorizes your requests in MKE. It also contains utility scripts you can use to configure your Docker and kubectl client tools to talk to your MKE deployment.

Get the Docker CLI client

Download the Docker CLI client by using the MKE web UI. The web UI ensures that you have the right version of the CLI tools for the current version of MKE.

  1. From the dashboard, click Learn more in the Docker CLI card at the bottom of the page.
  1. On the Create and manage services using the CLI page, click Download Linux client binary or Download MacOS client binary.
  1. Unzip the docker archive.

Download client certificates

To use the Docker CLI with MKE, download a client certificate bundle by using the MKE web UI.

  1. Navigate to the My Profile page.
  2. In the left pane, click Client Bundles and choose New Client Bundle to download the certificate bundle.

Use client certificates

Once you’ve downloaded a client certificate bundle to your local computer, you can use it to authenticate your requests.

Navigate to the directory where you downloaded the user bundle, and extract the zip file into a directory. Then use the utility script appropriate for your system:

cd client-bundle && eval "$(<"
# Run this from an elevated prompt session
cd client-bundle && env.cmd

The client bundle utility scripts update the environment variables DOCKER_HOST to make your client tools communicate with your MKE deployment, and the DOCKER_CERT_PATH environment variable to use the client certificates that are included in the client bundle you downloaded. The utility scripts also run the kubectl config command to configure kubectl.

To confirm that your client tools are now communicating with MKE, run:

docker version --format '{{.Server.Version}}'
kubectl config current-context

The expected Docker server version starts with ucp/, and the expected kubectl context name starts with ucp_.

You can now use the Docker and kubectl clients to create resources in MKE.

Use client certificates with Docker contexts

In Docker Enterprise 3.0, new files are contained in the MKE bundle. These changes support the use of .zip files with docker context import and allow you to directly change your context using the bundle .zip file. Navigate to the directory where you downloaded the user bundle and use docker context import to add the new context:

cd client-bundle && docker context import myucp ucp-bundle-$"

Refer to `Working with
Contexts </engine/context/working-with-contexts/>`__ for more
information on using Docker contexts.

Client certificates for administrators

MKE issues different types of certificates depending on the user:

  • User certificate bundles: only allow running docker commands through a MKE manager node.
  • Admin user certificate bundles: allow running docker commands on the Mirantis Container Runtime of any node.

Download client certificates by using the REST API

You can also download client bundles by using the MKE REST API. In this example, we use curl to make the web requests to the API, jq to parse the responses, and unzip to unpack the zip archive.

To install these tools on an Ubuntu distribution, you can run:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install curl jq unzip

Then you get an authentication token from MKE and use it to download the client certificates.

# Create an environment variable with the user security token
AUTHTOKEN=$(curl -sk -d '{"username":"<username>","password":"<password>"}' https://<mke-ip>/auth/login | jq -r .auth_token)

# Download the client certificate bundle
curl -k -H "Authorization: Bearer $AUTHTOKEN" https://<mke-ip>/api/clientbundle -o

# Unzip the bundle.

# Run the utility script.
eval "$(<"

# Confirm that you can see MKE containers:
docker ps -af state=running

On Windows Server 2016, open an elevated PowerShell prompt and run:

$AUTHTOKEN=((Invoke-WebRequest -Body '{"username":"<username>", "password":"<password>"}' -Uri https://`<mke-ip`>/auth/login -Method POST).Content)|ConvertFrom-Json|select auth_token -ExpandProperty auth_token

[io.file]::WriteAllBytes("", ((Invoke-WebRequest -Uri https://`<mke-ip`>/api/clientbundle -Headers @{"Authorization"="Bearer $AUTHTOKEN"}).Content))

Docker Build and MKE

When using a MKE client bundle and buildkit, follow the instructions provided in Restrict services to worker nodes to make sure that builds are not accidentally scheduled on manager nodes.

For additional information on ‘docker build’ and buildkit, refer to build command documentation and buildkit documentation.