Automating Docker Enterprise with Azure DevOps

Automating Docker Enterprise with Azure DevOps


Microsoft Azure DevOps (ADO) is a fully managed suite of tooling that empowers developers and operators to implement DevOps techniques. The Docker Enterprise Platform integrates with ADO through the use of Azure Pipelines for automated building and deploying of container-based workloads.

This guide does not attempt to recreate the excellent Azure DevOps documentation available online, but will focus on integration points between the two systems.

Setting up Azure DevOps

An Azure DevOps tenant is necessary to use the service. These accounts are available from a myriad of different sources from Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) subscriptions, to simply signing up for a free account.

Creating a Project

Once a tenant is secured, create an Organization and a Project to hold code and pipeline definitions.

Configuring Source Control Management

Azure DevOps is capable of working with git repositories hosted in ADO itself, or in a variety of other locations such as GitHub, or on-premises servers. Create a new git repository in the ADO Project, or link to an existing repository to begin the enablement of build automation.

Automated triggers can be used between the git repository and ADO, meaning that when a git commit push occurs then an ADO Pipeline can be automatically initiate. This effectively established a continuous integration (CI) capability for source code.

Once the git repository is linked with ADO, ensure that all application code has been committed.

Building a Pipeline

Pipelines in Azure DevOps define a series of steps the sequentially build, test, and package applications in various forms.

Pipelines can be generated via two techniques. The Classic experience is a GUI-driven wizard where boxes and dropdowns are completed with pipeline steps. This system has been largely replaced with a YAML-based system more in line with other offerings in the DevOps market.

The YAML-based pipelines offer “pipelines as code” benefits, as they are committed to source control and able to versioned and shared like any other file. This guide will focus on YAML-based pipelines.


Pipelines are initiated via Triggers, which contain the logic that determines how and when a pipeline beings execution. Triggers can be configured in a variety of ways:

  • Manual will require that an operator initiate a new build
  • Automatic will initiate a build any time that a commit is added to the designated source control system. To avoid builds when non-application changes are made to the repository, specify a path and/or branch to specifically target application code changes.
    - master
    - app/src/*


When a build is triggered it is added to a queue for a given agent pool. The next available agent will then have the build assigned, and it will execute the pipeline steps.

By default ADO uses a hosted agent pool where all servers are maintained by Microsoft. Alternatively, a pool of custom agents may also be used. Please see the Agents section for more detailed information on build agent setup.

Using the Ubuntu-based hosted agent (which includes a Moby-based container runtime):

  vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest'

Using a pool of custom build agents:

  name: 'UCP Agents - Linux'


The steps within a pipeline define which actions are done to the source code. These actions may be defined as custom scripts or configured via pre-built tasks.

Script blocks are used to run shell code as a pipeline step. For small scripts it is fine to place these inline within the YAML. For larger scripts consider creating a scripts directory within the code repository and creating dedicated .sh, .ps1, etc. files. These files may then be called from the pipeline step without cluttering the pipeline file.

Build a Docker Image with a shell script:

- script: |
    docker build \
      --tag $(DOCKER_REGISTRY_IMAGE):"$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)" \
  displayName: 'Build Docker Image'

Build a Docker Image with a PowerShell script:

- powershell: |
    docker build `
      --tag $(DOCKER_REGISTRY_IMAGE):"$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)" `
  displayName: 'Build Docker Image'

Tasks are pre-built actions that can easily be integrated into a pipeline. A series of tasks are available out of the box from Microsoft; however, the system is also extensible through the Visual Studio Marketplace community.


Pre-built tasks for Docker and Kubernetes are available, however the typical brevity of the docker and kubectl command lines make the additional abstraction optional compared to use of simple script tasks


Dockerfiles are often static assets, requiring a developer to commit code changes to adjust its behavior. Hard-coded values also impede the ability to reuse a Dockerfile across multiple contexts or image variations. The Azure DevOps platform offers variables to be defined for a given Pipeline, radically increasing the flexibility of Dockerfiles by not requiring code changes to reuse a given file.

While variables may be named any value, it is recommended to decide upon a naming convention that promotes consistency and predictability. DOCKER_ is one such convention prefix that clearly denotes that a variable is related to Docker. For example, DOCKER_REGISTRY_USERNAME would denote first that a value is related to Docker, that it is used to interact with a Registry, and that it contains an account username.

When Azure DevOps needs to use a variable that contains sensitive or secret information, a Build Secret may be employed rather than a Build Variable. When creating a variable, simply select the lock icon to convert the value to a secret. Secrets are not echoed out in logs or allowed to be seen once set. Setting the password or token used to authenticate with a Docker Registry via a DOCKER_REGISTRY_TOKEN secret would be advisable instead of a variable.


Azure DevOps, Docker, and Kubernetes all have the notion of “Secrets” to handle sensitive information and can be used in tandem to protect values in a pipeline

Docker Enterprise Service Account

Steps within an Azure DevOps Pipeline that require interaction with Docker Enterprise may use a service account model for clean separation between systems. In Mirantis Kubernetes Engine, a new user account may be created with a name such as azure-devops or similar that will serve as a service account. If using LDAP or SAML integration with a directory such as Active Directory then create an account in the external system to be synchronized into MKE.

service account

This service account is then used whenever a pipeline needs to interact with Docker Enterprise. For example, to execute a docker push into Mirantis Secure Registry, the pipeline must first authenticate against the registry with a docker login:

- script: |
    docker login $(DOCKER_REGISTRY_FQDN) \
      --username $(DOCKER_REGISTRY_USERNAME) \
      --password $(DOCKER_REGISTRY_TOKEN)
  displayName: 'Login to Mirantis Secure Registry'

In this example the DOCKER_REGISTRY_USERNAME refers to the service account’s username, and the DOCKER_REGISTRY_TOKEN is an Access Token generated from MSR loaded into Azure DevOps as a Secret.

User accounts in Docker Enterprise utilize granular, role-based access controls (RBAC) to ensure that only the proper account has access to a given MSR repository, set of MKE nodes, etc. The service account can be directly granted permissions for pertinent MSR repositories or added to a MKE Group that inherits permissions. This system ensures that the service account has the least privileges necessary to conduct its tasks with Docker Enterprise.

A Docker Client Bundle can also be generated for this account, which can be used for continuous delivery tasks such as docker stack deploy, kubectl apply, or helm upgrade.

Preparing a Dockerfile

A developer working with a Dockerfile in their local environment has different requirements than a build automation system using the same file. A series of adjustments can optimize a Dockerfile for build performance and enhance the flexibility of a file to be utilized in multiple build variations.

Build Arguments

The mechanism to dynamically pass a value into a Dockerfile at docker build time is the --build-arg flag. A variable or secret can be used with the flag to change a build outcome without committing a code change into the source control system. To utilize the flag, we add an ARG line to our Dockerfile for each variable to be passed.

For example, to dynamically expose a port with in the Dockerfile we would adjust:


to include an ARG


Note that we set a default value by including ``=80``; this value
will be used if a dynamic value is not passed in at build time.

A base image may also be made into a dynamic value, however the ARG must be placed outside of the FROM statement. For example, to adjust the following Dockerfile:


Place the ARG at the beginning of the file and use the variable name in the FROM statement:



Positioning the ARG outside of the FROM statement(s) places it in a higher scope than within any specific stage.

Using the ARG and --build-arg pattern is useful to easily patch a given image when improvements are made to its base image. Adjusting a build variable and initiating a build brings the newer base image tag in without requiring a formal code commit.


Metadata may be added to a Dockerfile via the LABEL keyword. Labels can help designate particular application owners, points of contact, or extraneous characteristics that would benefit from embedding within an image.

Some common settings in Dockerfiles include:


Combine LABEL with ARG to dynamically pass metadata values into an image at build time.

docker build `
  --build-arg COMMIT_ID="$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)" `
  --tag $(DOCKER_REGISTRY_IMAGE):"$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)" `

Values for LABEL can be viewed in a container registry such as Mirantis Secure Registry (MSR), or from the Docker CLI:

$ docker inspect moby:1
        "Config": {
            "Labels": {
                "GIT_COMMIT_ID": "421b895"

Multi-Stage Builds

Dockerfiles originally functioned as a single “stage”, where all steps took place in the same context. All libraries and frameworks necessary for the Dockerfile to build had to be loaded in, bloating the size of the resulting images. Much of this image size was used during the build phase, but was not necessary for the application to properly run; for example, after an application compiles it does not necessarily have to have the compiler or SDK within the image to run.

The introduction of “multi-stage builds” introduced splitting out of individual “stages” within one physical Dockerfile. In a build system such as Azure DevOps, we can define a “builder” stage with a base layer containing all necessary compilation components, and then a second, lightweight “runtime” stage devoid of hefty SDKs and compilation tooling. This last stage becomes the built image, with the builder stage serving only as a temporary intermediary.

# Stage 1: Use the larger SDK image to compile .NET code
FROM AS build

# copy csproj and restore as distinct layers
COPY *.sln .
COPY aspnetapp/*.csproj ./aspnetapp/
RUN dotnet restore

# copy everything else and build app
COPY aspnetapp/. ./aspnetapp/
WORKDIR /app/aspnetapp
RUN dotnet publish -c Release -o out

# Stage 2: Copy built artifact into the slim runtime image
FROM AS runtime
COPY --from=build /app/aspnetapp/out ./
ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "aspnetapp.dll"]

Using multi-stage builds in your pipelines has considerable impact to the speed and efficiency of builds, and the resulting file size of the built container image. For a .NET Core application, the aspnet base layer without the sdk components is substantially smaller:

$ docker image ls \
  --format 'table {{.Repository}}\t{{.Tag}}\t{{.Size}}' \

REPOSITORY                              TAG                 SIZE       2.1                 1.74GB       2.2                 1.74GB    2.1                 253MB   2.1                 180MB

For more information please see the Docker Documentation for
`Multi-Stage Builds <TODO>`__.


When a pipeline is triggered, Azure DevOps initiates a build by adding the build job to an agent queue. These queues are sets of build agents, which are the actual environments that will execute the steps defined in the pipeline.

One or more agents may be added into a pool. Using a pool allows multiple agents to be used in parallel, decreasing the time that a job sits in the queue awaiting an available agent. Microsoft maintains “hosted” agents, or you can define and run your own “self-hosted” agents within a physical server, virtual machine, or even a Docker container.

Hosted Agents

The easiest way to execute builds on Azure DevOps is by using the hosted build agents. These VM-based agent pools come in a variety of operating systems and have Docker available. Pipeline steps such as docker build are available without additional configuration.

Being a hosted environment, there is minimal ability to customize the SDKs, tooling, and other components within the virtual machine. A pipeline step could be used to install needed software via approaches such as apt-get or chocolatey, however doing so may add substantial time to each build considering the VMs are wiped after the pipeline completes.

The use of multi-stage builds decreases this dependency on the hosted build environment, as all necessary components for a container image should be embedded into the “builder” Dockerfile stage. To adjust the container runtime itself, for example to use a supported Docker Enterprise engine, a self-hosted agent is necessary.

Self-Hosted Agents

Running a self-hosted agent provides the ability to customize every facet of the build environment. Container runtimes can be customized, specific SDKs and compilers added, and for scenarios where project requirements restrict cloud-based agents a self-hosted agent can enable on-premises builds.

The downside is that infrastructure must be deployed and maintained to host the agents. These severs or virtual machines install a software agent, which connects to a specific Azure DevOps tenant.

The software agent can also run within a Docker container. Deploying containerized agents provides an array of benefits compared to traditional VM-based build agents including:

  • Utilize existing container clusters, such as Docker Enterprise, rather than dedicated infrastructure
  • Easily scale up and down the number of build agent instances with the Kubernetes or Swarm orchestrators
  • Minimal assets to maintain when multi-stage builds are used as the containerized agent only needs access to the host’s Docker daemon

If building traditional software that does not run in a container, then simply install the Azure DevOps agent and connect to a tenant. For containerized applications that require a docker build pipeline step, the Docker CLI is installed within the container so that it may connect to the host’s Docker Daemon. This connection executes the build on the host but controlled from a containerized build agent.

To make this connection on Linux, a Docker Volume is used to mount the host’s daemon:

docker run --volume /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock ...

And on Windows a Named Pipe is used via a similar approach:

docker run --volume \\.\pipe\docker_engine:\\.\pipe\docker_engine ...

Note that the ability to use Named Pipes `was
introduced <>`__
in Windows Server 1709 (SAC), and Windows Server 2019 (LTSC)

These volume mounts allow the Docker CLI to execute commands such as docker build within the container, and have the action executed on the host.

Linux Container Build Agent

Microsoft provides documentation on running a build agent within a container. The base instructions may be extended as-needed, for example to add binaries such as kubectl and helm:

# Stage 1: Download Docker CLI binary
FROM alpine:latest AS dockercli

ARG DOCKER_VERSION=19.03.0-beta4

RUN wget --output docker.tgz${DOCKER_BRANCH}/x86_64/docker-${DOCKER_VERSION}.tgz && \
    tar -zxvf docker.tgz && \
    chmod +x docker/docker

# Stage 2: Download kubectl binary
FROM alpine:latest AS kubectl


RUN wget --output ./kubectl${KUBECTL_VERSION}/bin/linux/amd64/kubectl && \
    chmod +x ./kubectl

# Stage 3: Download Helm binary
FROM alpine:latest AS helm


RUN wget --output helm.tar.gz${HELM_VERSION}-linux-amd64.tar.gz && \
    tar -zxvf helm.tar.gz && \
    chmod +x linux-amd64/helm

# Stage 4: Setup Azure Pipelines remote agent
# Documented at
FROM ubuntu:16.04

RUN apt-get update \
  && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
  ca-certificates \
  curl \
  jq \
  git \
  iputils-ping \
  libcurl3 \
  libicu55 \
  zip \
  unzip \
  && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*


COPY ./ .

# User is required for the Docker Socket
USER root

# Copy binaries from earlier build stages
COPY --from=dockercli docker/docker /usr/local/bin/docker
COPY --from=kubectl ./kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl
COPY --from=helm /linux-amd64/helm /usr/local/bin/helm

CMD ["./"]

Windows Container Build Agent

Microsoft does not maintain specific instructions for running the cross-platform build agent software within a Windows Container, but a similar approach to the Linux Container build agent may be taken:

# escape=`

# Stage 1: Download Docker CLI binary
FROM AS dockercli

SHELL ["powershell", "-Command", "$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'; $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue';"]

RUN Invoke-WebRequest `
      -OutFile `
      -Uri `
      -UseBasicParsing; `
    Expand-Archive `
      -DestinationPath 'C:\' `
      -Force `
# Stage 2: Download Azure DevOps Pipelines Agent
FROM AS adoagent
SHELL ["powershell", "-Command", "$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'; $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue';"]
RUN Invoke-WebRequest `
      -OutFile C:\ `
      -Uri $env:ADO_AGENT_URL `
      -UseBasicParsing; `
    Expand-Archive `
      -Destination C:\agent `
      -Force `
# Stage 3: Download ServiceMonitor
FROM AS servicemonitor
SHELL ["powershell", "-Command", "$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'; $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue';"]
RUN Invoke-WebRequest `
      -OutFile C:\ServiceMonitor.exe `
      -Uri "$Env:SERVICE_MONITOR_VERSION/ServiceMonitor.exe" `
# Stage 4: Setup Azure Pipelines remote agent
FROM AS runtime
SHELL ["powershell", "-Command", "$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'; $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue';"]
WORKDIR C:\agent
# Setup general tools via the Scoop package manager
RUN Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''); `
    scoop install git;
# Setup Azure Pipelines Agent
COPY --from=adoagent C:\agent C:\agent
# Setup Docker CLI
COPY --from=dockercli C:\docker C:\docker
# Setup ServiceMonitor
COPY --from=servicemonitor C:\ServiceMonitor.exe C:\ServiceMonitor.exe
# Update path variable
RUN $env:PATH = 'C:\docker;' + $env:PATH; `
    Set-ItemProperty `
      -Path 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment\' `
      -Name Path `
      -Value $env:PATH;

# Copy startup script into container
COPY start.ps1 .

# Run startup script on initialization
CMD .\start.ps1

PowerShell used as the CMD .\start.ps1 command:


# ===============================
# Check if required variables are present
# ===============================
if (!$env:AZP_URL) { Write-Host "The AZP_URL environment variable is null. Please adjust before continuing"; exit 1; }
if (!$env:AZP_TOKEN) { Write-Host "The AZP_TOKEN environment variable is null. Please adjust before continuing"; exit 1; }
if (!$env:AZP_POOL) { $env:AZP_POOL='Default' }

# ===============================
# Configure Azure Pipelines Agent
# ===============================
if(!(Test-Path -Path C:\agent\_work )) {
  Write-Output "No previous agent configuration detected. Configuring agent."
  .\config.cmd `
    --acceptTeeEula `
    --auth PAT `
    --pool "${env:AZP_POOL}" `
    --replace `
    --runAsService `
    --token "${env:AZP_TOKEN}" `
    --unattended `
    --url "${env:AZP_URL}" `
    --windowsLogonAccount "NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM"


# ==============================
# Run Azure Pipelines Agent with ServiceMonitor
# ==============================
C:\ServiceMonitor.exe (Get-Service vstsagent*).Name

This Windows Container Dockerfile executes a variety of activities through the use of multiple stages:

  • Downloads the Docker CLI binary so that the container can communicate with the host’s Docker Daemon
  • Downloads the Azure DevOps Pipeline Agent that will facilitate communications between the container and the tenant
  • Downloads the ServiceMonitor executable, which will monitor and manage the background service used by the agent
  • Combines all downloaded binaries into the final stage and sets path variables to be used by the startup process
  • Sets a PowerShell file to run as the container’s startup CMD process


Using Docker Secrets rather than an environment varibale for the Azure DevOps Personal Access Token (PAT) would increase security


Azure DevOps Pipelines may be used for both continuous integration, and for continuous delivery processes. In the integration stage a Docker image was built and pushed into Mirantis Secure Registry (MSR). Delivery takes the next step to schedule the image from MSR onto a cluster of servers managed by Mirantis Kubernetes Engine.

Deploying with Helm

In the Kubernetes world, Helm is a popular tool for deploying and managing the life cycle of container workloads. A Helm “Chart” is created via the helm create command, and then values are adjusted to match a given application’s needs. Docker Enterprise is a CNCF Certified distribution of Kubernetes and works seamlessly with Helm.

Azure DevOps Pipelines can interface with Docker Enterprise via Helm by having the kubectl binary installed in the build agent. This command line tool is then further configured to work with MKE through a Docker Client Bundle, which establishes a secure connection context between kubectl and MKE. Once established, standard Helm commands may be issued to update a running Helm workload.

In the following example, a formal deploy stage is created in the Azure DevOps Pipeline that depends on the successful completion of a build stage. A Client Bundle is then downloaded from the Azure DevOps Secure File Library, unzipped, and sourced. The helm upgrade command then updates the declared image tag to the recently build tag from MSR with --set "image.tag=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)". Helm then gracefully handles the upgrade process for the running image.

- stage: deploy
  displayName: Deploy to Cluster
  - build
  - job: helm
    displayName: 'Deploy Container with Helm'
      name: 'Shared SE - Linux'
      - agent.os -equals Linux
      - docker
    - task: DownloadSecureFile@1
        secureFile: ''

    - script: |
        # Unzip Docker Client Bundle from UCP
        unzip \
          -d $(Agent.TempDirectory)/bundle \
      displayName: 'Setup Docker Client Bundle'

    - script: |
        # Connect Helm to cluster via Docker Client Bundle
        cd $(Agent.TempDirectory)/bundle
        eval "$(<"

        # Update deployment with Helm
        cd $(Build.SourcesDirectory)
        helm upgrade \
          web \
          ./pipelines/helm/techorama \
          --set "image.tag=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)" \
          --tiller-namespace se-stevenfollis
      displayName: 'Update application with Helm'


Azure DevOps is an end-to-end suite of tools that enable an organization to successfully implement modern best-practices for building and releasing software. Organizations that have invested in the Docker Enterprise platform can easily utilize such tooling to build, share, and run containerized workloads wherever their Docker Enterprise clusters are operating. Simple connection points between the two systems such as Docker Client Bundles and Helm facilitate the movement of workloads and allow users to experience the benefits of both enterprise-grade systems.