Managing UI Dependencies

Managing UI DependenciesΒΆ

The dependencies of Fuel UI are managed by NPM.

Used NPM packages are listed in dependencies and devDependencies sections of a package.json file. To install all required packages, run:

npm install

To use gulp you also need to install the gulp package globally:

sudo npm install -g gulp

To add a new package, it is not enough just to add a new entry to a package.json file because npm-shrinkwrap is used to lock down package versions. First you need to install the clingwrap package globally:

sudo npm install -g clingwrap

Then install required package:

npm install --save some-package

Then run:

clingwrap some-package

to update npm-shrinkwrap.json.

Alternatively, you can completely regenerate npm-shrinkwrap.json by running:

rm npm-shrinkwrap.json
rm -rf node_modules
npm install
npm shrinkwrap --dev
clingwrap npmbegone