Configure the Bare Metal service

Configure the Bare Metal service

After you deploy an OpenStack environment as described in Install the OpenStack Bare Metal service, you must configure the components required for the Ironic program. Execute all actions described in this section as an OpenStack user with administrative privileges.

To configure the Bare Metal service:

  1. Define the memory, CPU, and disk size of physical instances that you will deploy by creating a nova flavor that matches the server hardware on which you plan to run instances. Use the following command:

    nova flavor-create <flavor_name> <flavor_id> <RAM> <disk_size> <CPU>
  2. Optionally, specify additional parameters using the nova flavor-key command.


    nova flavor-key baremetal-flavor set cpu_arch=x86_64
  3. View and remember the list of UUIDs for bootstrap images:

    glance image-list | grep <bootstrap kernel, ramdisk and squashfs image
  4. Enroll the nodes on which you plan to boot instances into the OpenStack Bare Metal service.

    ironic node-create [-c <chassis>] -d <driver> [-i <key=value>] [-p
    <key=value>] [-e <key=value>] [-u <uuid>] [-n <name>]
    Fuel drivers
    Driver Description
    fuel_ssh Enables communication between the Fuel Master node and other nodes.
    fuel_ipmitool Enables communication through IPMI. Use with the nodes that require IPMI, such as nodes that you use for bare-metal deployments.
    fuel-libvirt Ensures operation of virtual ironic instances hosted on libvirt.
    fake Used for testing Fuel APIs.

    Use the values from step 1 and step 2. The following text is an example for the fuel_ipmitool driver.


    ironic node-create [-n <node name>] [-u <node uuid>] -d fuel_ipmitool
                             -p memory_mb=<node RAM> -p cpu_arch=<node cpu_arch>
                             -p local_gb=<node disk size> -p cpus=<node N of cpus>
                             -i deploy_kernel=<uuid of bootstrap kernel image>
                             -i deploy_ramdisk=<uuid of bootstrap initramfs image>
                             -i deploy_squashfs=<uuid of bootstrap squashfs image>
                             -i ipmi_address=<node IPMI address or hostname>
                             -i ipmi_username=<node IPMI user name>
                             -i ipmi_password=<node IPMI pasword>
  5. Communicate the node’s network interface cards to the Bare Metal service by creating a port with MAC addresses of each network interface:

    ironic port-create -a <MAC address of the node NIC> -n <node UUID>
  6. Prepare images that you plan to use to deploy physical machines as described in Prepare a physical machine image.