Role object

Role objectΒΆ

You can create, update or delete roles using Nailgun REST API and Fuel Client.

For Fuel CLI command reference, see Role management commands.

This section provides the Controller role example:

id: 9
  - compute
  description: The controller initiates orchestration activities and provides an external
    API.  Other components like Glance (image storage), Keystone (identity management),
    Horizon (OpenStack dashboard) and Nova-Scheduler are installed on the controller
    as well.
  has_primary: true
    min: 1
    - condition: cluster:mode == 'multinode'
      max: 1
      message: Multi-node environment can not have more than one controller node.
    - condition: cluster:mode == 'ha_compact'
      message: At least 3 controller nodes are recommended for HA deployment.
      recommended: 3
  name: Controller
  - compute
  - cinder
name: controller
    - allocate_size: min
      id: os
    - allocate_size: all
      id: image

The following fields are mandatory:

name: controller
  name: Controller
  description: Description goes here

# at least one volume is required
  - allocate_size: min
    id: os

Primary behaviour for node can be enabled with has_primary: true option. If this option is set to during orchestration, you will be able to assign separate tasks for primary-controller and controller.