Plan the deployment

The detailed plan of any Mirantis OpenStack for Kubernetes (MOSK) deployment is determined on a per-cloud basis. For the MOSK reference architecture and design overview, see Reference Architecture.

Also, read through Mirantis Container Cloud Reference Architecture: Container Cloud bare metal as a MOSK cluster is deployed on top of a bare metal cluster managed by Mirantis Container Cloud.


One of the industry best practices is to verify every new update or configuration change in a non-customer-facing environment before applying it to production. Therefore, Mirantis recommends having a staging cloud, deployed and maintained along with the production clouds. The recommendation is especially applicable to the environments that:

  • Receive updates often and use continuous delivery. For example, any non-isolated deployment of Mirantis Container Cloud.

  • Have significant deviations from the reference architecture or third party extensions installed.

  • Are managed under the Mirantis OpsCare program.

  • Run business-critical workloads where even the slightest application downtime is unacceptable.

A typical staging cloud is a complete copy of the production environment including the hardware and software configurations, but with a bare minimum of compute and storage capacity.