

The ucp component enables Cluster to customize the Universal Control Plane (UCP) configuration.

Example Usage

    ca: "path_to/ca.pem"
    cert: "path_to/cert.pem"
    install_options: "--option1=value --option2=value"
    key: "path_to/key.pem"
    password: "dockerdocker"
    pre_pull_images: true
    username: "admin"
    version: "docker/ucp:#.#.#"


Setting Type Default Description
ca String None Path to the CA certificate
cert String None Path to the TLS/SSL public certificate
install_options String None Additional options to pass to mirantis/ucp install
key String None Path to the TLS/SSL private key
password String “dockerdocker” Password for the Administrator user account
pre_pull_images Boolean false Pre pull the UCP images on each node
username String “admin” Username for the Administrator user account
version String “docker/ucp:3.3.0” Image of UCP to use

Additional Settings

Docker Cluster also accepts all MKE Configuration File settings and creates the initial UCP config on installation.

Setting Type Default Description
anonymize_tracking Boolean false Anonymize license ID in analytic data
audit_level String “disabled”
Audit logging level
Options: “disabled”, “metadata”, “request”
auto_refresh Boolean true Automatically refresh license when the license nears expiration.
azure_ip_count Integer 128 Number of IPs for the Azure allocator to allocate per virtual machine
backend String “managed”
Authorization backend
Options: “managed”, “ldap”
calico_mtu String “1480” MTU (maximum transmission unit) setting for Calico
cloud_provider String Derived Kubernetes Cloud Provider
cluster_label String None Label to be included with analytics
cni_installer_url String Calico URL of a Kubernetes YAML file to be used for installing a CNI plugin. Only applies during initial installation.
controller_port Integer 443 Port to listen on for the ucp-controller
custom_header_name String None Name of the customer header
custom_header_value String None Value of the customer header
default_new_user_role String “restrictedcontrol”
Role assigned to users for their private collection
Options: “admin”, “fullcontrol”, “restrictedcontrol”, “scheduler”, “viewonly”
default_node_orchestrator Type “swarm”
Orchestrator configured for new nodes that join to the cluster
Options: “kubernetes”, “swarm”
disable_tracking Boolean false Disable analytics of API call information
disable_usageinfo Boolean false Disable analytics of usage information
dns String None Comma separated list of IP addresses to be added as nameservers
dns_opt String None Comma separated list of options to use with the DNS resolvers
dns_search String None Comma separated list of domain names to search when a bare unqualified hostname is used inside of a container
enable_admin_ucp_scheduling Boolean false Allow admins to schedule containers on system nodes
external_service_lb String None FQDN of an external load balancer for default links to services with exposed ports in the web interface
host_address String None Address of DTR instance connected to this cluster
log_host String None Remote syslog server to send controller logs to
idpMetadataURL String None Identity Provider Metadata URL
image_repository String None Repository to use for UCP images
install_args String None Additional arguments to pass to the UCP installer
ipip_mtu String 1480 IP-in-IP MTU for the calico IP-in-IP tunnel interface
kube_apiserver_port Integer 6443 Kubernetes API server listener port
kv_snapshot_count Integer 20000 Key-value store maximum snapshot count
kv_timeout String 5000 Key-value store timeout setting, in milliseconds
lifetime_minutes Integer 4320 Initial session lifetime, in minutes
local_volume_collection_mapping Boolean false Stores data about collections for volumes in UCP’s local KV store instead of on the volume labels. This is used for enforcing access control on volumes.
log_level String “err”
Logging level for UCP components
Options: “debug”, “info”, “notice”, “warning”, “err”, “crit”, “alert”, “emerg”
managedPasswordDisabled Boolean false Disable UCP managed accounts
managedPasswordFallbackUser String None Fallback user when the managed password authentication is disabled
manager_kube_reserved_resources String “cpu=250m,memory=2Gi,ephemeral-storage=4Gi” Resources to reserve for Docker UCP and Kubernetes components running on manager nodes.
metrics_disk_usage_interval String None Interval for storage metrics gathering frequency
metrics_retention_time String “24h” Adjusts the metrics retention time
metrics_scrape_interval String “1m” Frequency that managers gather metrics from nodes in the cluster.
nodeport_range String “32768-35535” Port range for NodePort of Kubernetes services
per_user_limit Integer 5 Maximum number of sessions that a user can have active simultaneously. A value of zero disables the limit.
pod_cidr String “” CIDR range from which the IPs for the pods will be allocated
profiling_enabled Boolean false Enable specialized debugging endpoints for profiling UCP performance
log_protocol String “ucp”
Protocol to use for remote logging
Options: “tcp”, “udp”
renewal_threshold_minutes Integer 1440 Length of time, in minutes, before the expiration of a session. When used, a session is extended by the currently configured lifetime from that point in time. A zero value disables session extension.
require_content_trust Boolean false Require images be signed by content trust
require_signature_from String None Comma separated list of users or teams required to sign an image
rethinkdb_cache_size String “1GB” Size of the cache used by UCP’s RethinkDB. Setting this to auto instructs RethinkDB to determine a cache size automatically.
rootCerts String None Root SSL/TLS certificate
samlEnabled Boolean false Enable SAML
samlLoginText String None Customized SAML login button text
service_id String None DTR instance’s OpenID Connect Client ID, as registered with the Docker authentication provider
spHost String None Service Provider Host
storage_driver String None UCP storage driver to install
support_dump_include_audit_logs Boolean false Include audit logs from the ‘ucp-controller’ container of each manager node in the support dump.
swarm_port Integer 2376 Listener port for the ‘ucp-swarm-manager’
swarm_strategy String “spread”
Swarm placement strategy for container scheduling
Options: “binpack”, “random”, “spread”
tlsSkipVerify Boolean false Skip TLS verification for IdP Metadata
unmanaged_cni Boolean false Use an unmanaged CNI
worker_kube_reserved_resources String “cpu=50m,memory=300Mi,ephemeral-storage=500Mi” Resources to reserve for Docker UCP and Kubernetes components that are running on worker nodes.

Development Settings

These settings are for development and testing purposes only. Arbitrary Kubernetes configuration parameters are not tested and supported under the Docker Enterprise Software Support Agreement.

Setting Type Default Description
custom_kube_api_server_flags String None Configuration options for the Kubernetes API server
custom_kube_controller_manager_flags String None Configuration options for the Kubernetes controller manager
custom_kube_scheduler_flags String None Configuration options for the Kubernetes scheduler
custom_kubelet_flags String None Configuration options for the Kubelet