Overview of the Fuel bootstrap builder

Overview of the Fuel bootstrap builder

The bootstrap generator creates bootstrap images for the Fuel Master node that Fuel will use to boot the Fuel Slave nodes. The bootstrap generator uses default configurations, however, you can modify these settings.

You can customize a Fuel bootstrap image using one of the following options:

  • Set additional packages for the installation.
  • Copy custom files into the root bootstrap.
  • Run a user script at the bootstrap file system during the image creation.

You can configure Fuel bootstrap images using the fuel-bootstrap command:

usage: fuel-bootstrap [--version] [-v] [--log-file <LOG_FILE>] [-q] [-h]
                      [--debug] [--config <CONFIG_FILE>]
Optional arguments
Option Description
--version Shows a program’s version number and exits.
-v, --verbose Increases a verbosity of output. Can be repeated.
--log-file <LOG_FILE> Specify a file to log output. Disabled by default.
-q, --quiet Suppress output except for warnings and errors.
-h, --help Shows this help message and exits.
--debug Shows tracebacks on errors.
--config <CONFIG_FILE> Specify a configuration file with bootstrap settings.
Commands to operate with a bootstrap image
Command Description
activate Activates the specified bootstrap image.
build Builds a new bootstrap image with the specified parameters.
delete Deletes the specified bootstrap image from the system.
help Print the detailed help information for the corresponding command.
import Imports an already created bootstrap image to the system.
list Lists all available bootstrap images.