Troubleshoot custom bootstrap building

Troubleshoot custom bootstrap building

Automatic Fuel deployment has failed

Automatic bootstrap image building can fail with one of the following error messages:

"WARNING: Ubuntu bootstrap build has been skipped.
Please build and activate bootstrap manually with CLI command
`fuel-bootstrap build --activate`.
While you don't activate any bootstrap - new nodes cannot be discovered
and added to cluster.
For more information please visit"


WARNING: Failed to build the bootstrap image, see
for details. Perhaps your Internet connection is broken. Please fix the
problem and run `fuel-bootstrap build --activate`.
While you don't activate any bootstrap - new nodes cannot be discovered
and added to cluster.
For more information please visit"

You typically receive such error messages when software repositories are unavailable.

To resolve the issue:

  • If the Fuel Master node has an Internet connection, verify network connectivity to the software repositories.
  • If you use a local repository mirror:
    • Follow the instructions provided in the fuel-mirror utility
    • Additionally, analyze the following log files:
      • /var/log/fuel-bootstrap-image-build.log
      • /var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log

A node has an old ``cmdline`` or a wrong bootstrap image

fuel-bootstrap has a limitation with UX issue. You can not change a bootstrap image on nodes already added to an environment (serialized). This issue relates to the current architecture restriction.

The problem may occur under the following conditions:

  • You have a deprecated CentOS bootstrap image in the active state; or you power on nodes before the Fuel Master node is completely deployed when ubuntu-bootstrap on the Fuel Master node has not been activated yet.

  • You start a node and add it to an OpenStack environment, or you start or reset deployment on an environment, or any other case that triggers Fuel to store a node and create a cobbler system.

    cobbler system report --name default |grep -i Profile

    System response:

    Profile : bootstrap
  • Fuel (Сobbler) creates a system with the CentOS bootstrap image.

    $ cobbler system report --name node-1

    System response:

     Profile : bootstrap (centos-bootstrap)
  • Then, you change the active bootstrap, which makes astute change the cobbler default profile to ubuntu-bootstrap:

    $ cobbler system report --name default |grep -i Profile

    System response:

    Profile : ubuntu_bootstrap

    But the stored system still use the old bootstrap data.

To enable the new bootstarp image:

  1. Remove the node from db, reboot, and re-discover it


    All node data will be destroyed!

    # fuel node --node-id 1 --delete-from-db
  2. Manually update the cobbler profile:


    No data will be destroyed.

    $ cobbler system edit --name node-1 --profile=ubuntu_bootstrap
    $ cobbler system report --name node-1 |grep Profile

    System response:

    Profile : ubuntu_bootstrap
  3. Reboot the node.