MCP design

MCP design

Mirantis Cloud Platform provides capabilites described above as functions of its software components.


DriveTrain is code name for the MCP LCM framework that includes Gerrit, Jenkins, MCP Registry, SaltStack, Reclass, and metadata model. The DriveTrain components perform the following functions:

  • SaltStack

    Flexible and scalable deployment and configuration management and orchestration engine that is used for automated lifecycle management of MCP clusters.

  • Reclass

    Reclass is an External Node Classifier (ECN) that, coupled with SaltStack, provides an inventory of nodes for easy configuration management.

  • Reclass metadata model

    The metadata model is a hierarchical file based store that allows to define all parameter values used by Salt to configure services of MCP. The model hierarchy is merged and exposed to Salt through the Reclass ENC.

  • Gerrit

    Git repository and code review management system in which all MCP codebase and the metadata model are stored and through which all changes to MCP clusters are delivered.

  • Jenkins

    Build automation tool that, coupled with Gerrit, enables continuous integration and continuous delivery of updates and upgrades to the MCP clusters.

  • MCP Registry

    A set of repositories with binary artifacts required for MCP cluster deployment and functioning. This is a local mirror of Registry published by Mirantis from its product delivery infrastructure.

  • MAAS

    Metal-as-a-Service (MAAS) is a provisioning software that allows you to manage physical machines.

  • OpenLDAP

    OpenLDAP server stores and provides identity information for other components of DriveTrain and, optionally, for MCP clusters.

MCP clusters

Using DriveTrain, you can deploy and manage multiple MCP clusters of different types. MCP clusters provide certain Operator and Tenant functions, as described below.

  • StackLight Logging, Monitoring, and Alerting (LMA)

    Responsible for collection, analysis, and visualization of critical monitoring data from physical and virtual infrastructure, as well as alerting and error notifications through a configured communication system, such as email.

  • OpenStack

    Platform that manages virtual infrastructure resources, including virtual servers, storage devices, networks and networking services such as load balancers, and provides management functions to Tenant users.

  • Kubernetes support terminated since 2019.2.5

    Platform that manages virtual infrastructure resources, including container images, pods, storage and networking resources for containerized applications.

  • Ceph

    Distributed storage platform that provides storage resources, such as objects and virtual block devices, to virtual and physical infrastructure.

  • OpenContrail (optional)

    MCP enables you to deploy OpenContrail as a software-defined networking solution. MCP OpenContrail is based on official OpenContrail releases with additional customizations by Mirantis.


    If you run MCP OpenContrail SDN, you need to have Juniper MX or SRX hardware or virtual router to route traffic to and from OpenStack tenant VMs.

  • High Availability

    In MCP, the high availability of control plane services is ensured by Keepalived and HAProxy. Keepalived is a Linux daemon that provides redundancy for virtual IP addresses. HAProxy provides load balancing for network connections.