Mirror image content

Mirror image content

The mirror image delivered for the offline MCP deployment includes:

  • Preinstalled services
  • Mirrored Debian package repositories
  • Mirrored Docker images
  • Mirrored Git repositories
  • Mirrored QCOW images

For a list of mirrored Debian package repositories and Docker images, see the Release artifacts section of the corresponding MCP release in MCP Release Notes.

The following table describes services and ports for an offline MCP deployment:

Services and ports
Service name Service description Protocol/Port
Aptly Serves Debian Packages HTTP/80
Registry Serves Docker images HTTP/5000
Git Serves Git Repositories HTTP/8088
HTTP Serves QCOW images and other files HTTP/8078

The following table describes mirrored Git repositories for an offline MCP deployment:

Mirrored Git repositories
Repository name [1]
rundeck-cis-jobs git@github.com:Mirantis/rundeck-cis-jobs.git
reclass-system-salt-model git@github.com:Mirantis/reclass-system-salt-model [2]
pipeline-library git@github.com:Mirantis/pipeline-library
mk-pipelines git@github.com:Mirantis/mk-pipelines
[1]The repositories are tagged with MCP_RELEASE
[2]To reduce the image size, almost all offline repositories contain lists of excluded packages compared to online mirrors. To inspect lists of excludes, refer to the Mirantis Reclass system repository.

The following table describes mirrored QCOW images of an offline MCP deployment:

Mirrored QCOW images
Image name