mirantis/dtr join

mirantis/dtr join

Add a new replica to an existing MSR cluster. Use SSH to log into any node that is already part of MKE.


docker run -it --rm \
  docker/dtr:2.7.5 join \
  --ucp-node <mke-node-name> \


This command creates a replica of an existing MSR on a node managed by Mirantis Kubernetes Engine (MKE).

For setting MSR for high-availability, create 3, 5, or 7 replicas of MSR.


Option Environment variable Description
--debug $DEBUG Enable debug mode for additional logs.
--existing-replica-id $DTR_REPLICA_ID The ID of an existing MSR replica. To add, remove or modify MSR, you must connect to an existing healthy replica’s database.
--help-extended $DTR_EXTENDED_HELP Display extended help text for a given command.
--replica-http-port $REPLICA_HTTP_PORT The public HTTP port for the MSR replica. Default is 80. This allows you to customize the HTTP port where users can reach MSR. Once users access the HTTP port, they are redirected to use an HTTPS connection, using the port specified with --replica-https-port. This port can also be used for unencrypted health checks.
--replica-https-port $REPLICA_HTTPS_PORT The public HTTPS port for the MSR replica. Default is 443. This allows you to customize the HTTPS port where users can reach MSR. Each replica can use a different port.
--replica-id $DTR_INSTALL_REPLICA_ID Assign a 12-character hexadecimal ID to the MSR replica. Random by default.
--replica-rethinkdb-cache-mb $RETHINKDB_CACHE_MB The maximum amount of space in MB for RethinkDB in-memory cache used by the given replica. Default is auto. Auto is (available_memory - 1024) / 2. This config allows changing the RethinkDB cache usage per replica. You need to run it once per replica to change each one.
--skip-network-test $DTR_SKIP_NETWORK_TEST Don’t test if overlay networks are working correctly between MKE nodes. For high-availability, MSR creates an overlay network between MKE nodes and tests that it is working when joining replicas. Don’t use this option for production deployments.
--ucp-ca $UCP_CA Use a PEM-encoded TLS CA certificate for MKE.Download the MKE TLS CA certificate from https://<mke-url>/ca, and use --ucp-ca "$(cat ca.pem)".
--ucp-insecure-tls $UCP_INSECURE_TLS Disable TLS verification for MKE. The installation uses TLS but always trusts the TLS certificate used by MKE, which can lead to MITM (man-in-the-middle) attacks. For production deployments, use --ucp-ca "$(cat ca.pem)" instead.
--ucp-node $UCP_NODE The hostname of the MKE node to deploy MSR. Random by default.You can find the hostnames of the nodes in the cluster in the MKE web interface, or by running docker node ls on a MKE manager node.
--ucp-password $UCP_PASSWORD The MKE administrator password.
--ucp-url $UCP_URL The MKE URL including domain and port.
--ucp-username $UCP_USERNAME The MKE administrator username.
--unsafe-join $DTR_UNSAFE_JOIN Join a new replica even if the cluster is unhealthy.Joining replicas to an unhealthy MSR cluster leads to split-brain scenarios, and data loss. Don’t use this option for production deployments.