mirantis/dtr reconfigure

mirantis/dtr reconfigure

Change MSR configurations.


docker run -it --rm mirantis/dtr \
    reconfigure [command options]


This command changes MSR configuration settings. If you are using NFS as a storage volume, see Configuring MSR for NFS for details on changes to the reconfiguration process.

MSR is restarted for the new configurations to take effect. To have no down time, configure your MSR for high availability.


Option Environment variable Description
--async-nfs $ASYNC_NFS Use async NFS volume options on the replica specified in the --existing-replica-id option. The NFS configuration must be set with --nfs-storage-url explicitly to use this option. Using --async-nfs will bring down any containers on the replica that use the NFS volume, delete the NFS volume, bring it back up with the appropriate configuration, and restart any containers that were brought down.
--client-cert-auth-ca $CLIENT_CA Specify root CA certificates for client authentication with --client-cert-auth-ca "$(cat ca.pem)".
--debug $DEBUG Enable debug mode for additional logs of this bootstrap container (the log level of downstream MSR containers can be set with --log-level).
--dtr-ca $DTR_CA Use a PEM-encoded TLS CA certificate for MSR. By default MSR generates a self-signed TLS certificate during deployment. You can use your own root CA public certificate with --dtr-ca "$(cat ca.pem)".
--dtr-cert $DTR_CERT Use a PEM-encoded TLS certificate for MSR. By default MSR generates a self-signed TLS certificate during deployment. You can use your own public key certificate with --dtr-cert "$(cat cert.pem)". If the certificate has been signed by an intermediate certificate authority, append its public key certificate at the end of the file to establish a chain of trust.
--dtr-external-url $DTR_EXTERNAL_URL URL of the host or load balancer clients use to reach MSR. When you use this flag, users are redirected to MKE for logging in. Once authenticated they are redirected to the url you specify in this flag. If you don’t use this flag, MSR is deployed without single sign-on with MKE. Users and teams are shared but users login separately into the two applications. You can enable and disable single sign-on in the MSR settings. Format https://host[:port], where port is the value you used with --replica-https-port. Since HSTS (HTTP Strict-Transport-Security) header is included in all API responses, make sure to specify the FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) of your MSR, or your browser may refuse to load the web interface.
--dtr-key $DTR_KEY Use a PEM-encoded TLS private key for MSR. By default MSR generates a self-signed TLS certificate during deployment. You can use your own TLS private key with --dtr-key "$(cat key.pem)".
--dtr-storage-volume $DTR_STORAGE_VOLUME Customize the volume to store Docker images. By default MSR creates a volume to store the Docker images in the local filesystem of the node where MSR is running, without high-availability. Use this flag to specify a full path or volume name for MSR to store images. For high-availability, make sure all MSR replicas can read and write data on this volume. If you’re using NFS, use --nfs-storage-url instead.
--enable-client-cert-auth $ENABLE_CLIENT_CERT_AUTH Enables TLS client certificate authentication; use --enable-client-cert-auth=false to disable it. If enabled, MSR will additionally authenticate users via TLS client certificates. You must also specify the root certificate authorities (CAs) that issued the certificates with --client-cert-auth-ca.
--enable-pprof $DTR_PPROF Enables pprof profiling of the server. Use --enable-pprof=false to disable it. Once MSR is deployed with this flag, you can access the pprof endpoint for the api server at /debug/pprof, and the registry endpoint at /registry_debug_pprof/debug/pprof.
--existing-replica-id $DTR_REPLICA_ID The ID of an existing MSR replica. To add, remove or modify MSR, you must connect to an existing healthy replica’s database.
--help-extended $DTR_EXTENDED_HELP Display extended help text for a given command.
--http-proxy $DTR_HTTP_PROXY The HTTP proxy used for outgoing requests.
--https-proxy $DTR_HTTPS_PROXY The HTTPS proxy used for outgoing requests.
--log-host $LOG_HOST The syslog system to send logs to. The endpoint to send logs to. Use this flag if you set --log-protocol to tcp or udp.
--log-level $LOG_LEVEL Log level for all container logs when logging to syslog. Default: INFO. The supported log levels are debug, info, warn, error, or fatal.
--log-protocol $LOG_PROTOCOL The protocol for sending logs. Default is internal. By default, MSR internal components log information using the logger specified in the Docker daemon in the node where the MSR replica is deployed. Use this option to send MSR logs to an external syslog system. The supported values are tcp, udp, and internal. Internal is the default option, stopping MSR from sending logs to an external system. Use this flag with --log-host.
--nfs-storage-url $NFS_STORAGE_URL When running DTR 2.5 (with experimental online garbage collection) and MSR 2.6.0-2.6.3, there is an issue with reconfiguring and restoring DTR with --nfs-storage-url which leads to erased tags. Make sure to back up your DTR metadata before you proceed. To work around the issue, manually create a storage volume on each DTR node and reconfigure DTR with --dtr-storage-volume and your newly-created volume instead. See Reconfigure Using a Local NFS Volume for more details. To reconfigure DTR to stop using NFS, leave this option empty: –nfs-storage-url “”. See USE NFS for more details. Upgrade to MSR 2.6.4 and follow Best practice for data migration in MSR 2.6.4 when switching storage backends.
--nfs-options $NFS_OPTIONS Pass in NFS volume options verbatim for the replica specified in the --existing-replica-id option. The NFS configuration must be set with --nfs-storage-url explicitly to use this option. Specifying --nfs-options will pass in character-for-character the options specified in the argument when creating or recreating the NFS volume. For instance, to use NFS v4 with async, pass in “rw,nfsvers=4,async” as the argument.
--no-proxy $DTR_NO_PROXY List of domains the proxy should not be used for. When using --http-proxy you can use this flag to specify a list of domains that you don’t want to route through the proxy. Format acme.com[, acme.org].
--replica-http-port $REPLICA_HTTP_PORT The public HTTP port for the MSR replica. Default is 80. This allows you to customize the HTTP port where users can reach MSR. Once users access the HTTP port, they are redirected to use an HTTPS connection, using the port specified with –replica-https-port. This port can also be used for unencrypted health checks.
--replica-https-port $REPLICA_HTTPS_PORT The public HTTPS port for the MSR replica. Default is 443. This allows you to customize the HTTPS port where users can reach MSR. Each replica can use a different port.
--replica-rethinkdb-cache-mb $RETHINKDB_CACHE_MB The maximum amount of space in MB for RethinkDB in-memory cache used by the given replica. Default is auto. Auto is (available_memory - 1024) / 2. This config allows changing the RethinkDB cache usage per replica. You need to run it once per replica to change each one.
--storage-migrated $STORAGE_MIGRATED A flag added in MSR 2.6.4 which lets you indicate the migration status of your storage data. Specify this flag if you are migrating to a new storage backend and have already moved all contents from your old backend to your new one. If not specified, MSR will assume the new backend is empty during a backend storage switch, and consequently destroy your existing tags and related image metadata.
--ucp-ca $UCP_CA Use a PEM-encoded TLS CA certificate for MKE. Download the MKE TLS CA certificate from https://<mke-url>/ca, and use --ucp-ca "$(cat ca.pem)".
--ucp-password $UCP_PASSWORD The MKE administrator password.
--ucp-url $UCP_URL The MKE URL including domain and port.
--ucp-username $UCP_USERNAME The MKE administrator username.