Metadata schema specifications for Jenkins client

Metadata schema specifications for Jenkins client

Core properties

Name Type Description
enabled boolean description_notset
sites object Jira sites to configure
node object Jenkins slave nodes configuration
trigger_gerrit_server string description_notset
patternProperties ERROR description_notset
enabled boolean Enables Jenkins client
purge_jobs boolean description_notset
username boolean description_notset
password string description_notset
charset string description_notset
ssl string description_notset
host string description_notset
reply_to boolean description_notset
admin_email string description_notset
port [‘integer’, ‘string’] description_notset
jenkins_jobs_root string Root folder for jenkins jobs
jenkins_source_root string Root folder for jenkins source repositories
job_status object description_notset
plugin_remove_unwanted boolean Whether to remove not listed plugins
job object Jenkins jobs configuration For details, see: _job definition
patternProperties ERROR description_notset
flowdurabilitylevel string description_notset
token_credential_id boolean description_notset
team_domain string description_notset
token boolean description_notset
send_as string description_notset
room string description_notset
approved_scripts array NO REF Jenkins approved scripts for use in pipelines
plugin_force_remove boolean Force removing plugins recursively with all dependent plugins
job_template object Job templates definition
lib object Jenkins libraries configuration
plugin array Jenkins global environment properties
patternProperties ERROR description_notset
gerrit object Gerrit configuration in jenkins
label object Map of jenkins slaves and labels
patternProperties ERROR description_notset
css_url string Url or path to theme CSS files
js_url boolean Url or path to theme JS files
host string Jenkins master host to connect to
protocol string Protocol to connect to jenkins master
port [‘integer’, ‘string’] Jenkins master port to connect to
pkgs array List of Jenkins master packages to be installed
file_path_rules boolean description_notset
whitelisted string description_notset
manager_password string description_notset
inhibit_infer_root_dn string description_notset
manager_dn string description_notset
group_search_base string description_notset
root_dn string description_notset
server string LDAP server url
user_search string description_notset
user_search_base string description_notset
csp string CSP security policy
proxy_compat boolean description_notset
enabled boolean description_notset
project_based boolean Flag if it is GlobalMatrix security or ProjectMatrix security
permissions string Map of security martix permissions
artifactory object Artifactory configuration in jenkins
throttle_category object Concurrent build configuration
view object Jenkins views configuration

_job definition

Name Type Description
url string description_notset
name string description_notset
branches array description_notset
refspec string description_notset
script string description_notset
url string description_notset
depth [‘integer’, ‘string’] description_notset
shallow boolean description_notset
no_tags boolean description_notset
honor_refspec boolean description_notset
reference string description_notset
branch string description_notset
credentials string description_notset
remote_name string description_notset
type string description_notset
wipe_workspace boolean description_notset
limit_one_job_with_matching_params boolean description_notset
throttle_option string description_notset
enabled boolean description_notset
max_concurrent_per_node [‘integer’, ‘string’] description_notset
categories array description_notset
max_concurrent_total [‘integer’, ‘string’] description_notset
display_name string description_notset
description string description_notset
repository string Repository to checkout workflow file
file string Relative path to workflow file inside repository
auth_token string description_notset
param object Job parameters
quiet_period string description_notset
concurrent boolean description_notset
sandbox boolean description_notset
trigger object Jenkins job trigger configuration
libs array description_notset
keep_days [‘integer’, ‘string’] description_notset
keep_num [‘integer’, ‘string’] description_notset
keep_days [‘integer’, ‘string’] description_notset
keep_num [‘integer’, ‘string’] description_notset
type string description_notset