Metadata schema specifications for Jenkins slave

Metadata schema specifications for Jenkins slave

Core properties

Name Type Description
public_key string description_notset
private_key string description_notset
keypair_id string description_notset
service string Jenkins slave service name
sudo boolean Enables nopasswd sudo for Jenkins slave user
enabled boolean Enables Jenkins slave configuration
ccachedir string GPG keypair id for Jenkins slave
mirrorsite string Site mirror for pbuilder
usenetwork boolean Use network in Pbuilder
aptcache string Pbuilder apt cache directory
buildresult string Pbuilder build result
othermirror ERROR description_notset For details, see: _othermirror definition
buildplace string Pbuilder build place folder
keyring string Mirror keyring
aptcachehardlink boolean True if apt cache directory is hard link
parallel [‘boolean’, ‘integer’] Number of parallel threads for Pbuilder. Set to false to use default (num of cpu)
components array Pbuilder components
os object OS mirror parameters for Pbuilder For details, see: _os_parameters definition
eatmydata boolean Install eatmydata as extra package
url string Keystone server url
password string Keystone server user password
user string Keystone server user
tenant string Keystone server user tenant
password string Jenkins slave user name
name string Jenkins slave user name
host string Jenkins master host to connect to
protocol string Protocol to connect to Jenkins master
port [‘integer’, ‘string’] Jenkins master port to connect to
init_script string Path to jenkins slave init script
config string Path to jenkins slave configuration file
hostname string Jenkins slave hostname
pkgs array List of packages to be installed

_os_parameters definition

Name Type Description
_os_parameters object Map of OS and its distribution parameters For details, see: _os_distribution_parameters definition

_othermirror definition

Name Type Description
url string Mirror url
dist string Mirror dist
trusted boolean Trusted mirror or not
components array Mirror components

_os_distribution_parameters definition

Name Type Description
mirrorsite string Site mirror for pbuilder
extrapackages array Distribution extra packages
keyring string Keyring for distribution mirror
arch string Distribution architecture
eatmydata boolean Install eatmydata as extra package
othermirror ERROR description_notset For details, see: _othermirror definition