OpenContrail HAProxy driver with LBaaSv2

OpenContrail HAProxy driver with LBaaSv2ΒΆ

The OpenContrail HAProxy driver with Load Balancing as a Service (LBaaS) is implemented as a special type of service instance.

The load balancer service is implemented as a network namespace with HAProxy. The service runs on two randomly chosen vRouter compute nodes to achieve high availability.

The load balancer service has two sides:

  • Right that is the public side
  • Left that is the private side (for the back-end and pool subnet)

In LBaaS v1, the left side subnet is determined automatically from the subnet_id of a pool. But in LBaaS v2, the pool does not associate with subnet anymore. Therefore, to overcome this architecture limitation, the pool members of the left side and listener of the right side should be associated with the same subnet.

The OpenContrail HAProxy driver provides the benefits of LBaaS v2 API along with listening of multiple ports for the same IP address by decoupling the virtual IP address from the physical port.

OpenContrail HAProxy driver supports the following configuration options:

Component Option
Listener protocols
  • TCP
  • HTTP
Load balancer algorithms
Health monitor types
  • PING
  • TCP
  • HTTP
Session persistence