Reprovision a Kubernetes Node

Reprovision a Kubernetes NodeΒΆ

You may need to reprovision a failed Kubernetes Node. When reprovisioning a Kubernetes Node, you can not update some of the configuration data:

  • Hostname and FQDN - because it breaks Calico.
  • Node role - for example, from Kubernetes Master to Node role. However, you can use the kubectl label node command to reset a node labels later.

You can change the following information:

  • Host IP(s)
  • MAC addresses
  • Operating system
  • Application certificates


All Master nodes must serve the same apiserver certificate. Otherwise, service tokens will become invalidated.

To reprovision a Kubernetes Node:

  1. In the MAAS web UI, make the required changes to the target Kubernetes Node.
  2. Verify that MAAS works properly and provides the DHCP service to assign IP addresses and bootstrap an instance.
  3. Proceed with the Add a Kubernetes Node manually procedure starting the step 2.