This section provides the list of the addressed issues in the current MCP release version.
Mirantis Technical Bulletins
Mirantis constantly focuses on the product quality and stability. Therefore, aside from the fixes of the security and critical flaws for the current MCP version affecting Mirantis products and services, we provide resolution for the customer deployments on top of the previous MCP versions, which can be affected, in the form of technical bulletins. Each technical bulletin includes the detailed issue description, possible impact, steps to determine whether a deployment is affected with the issue, procedure to resolve the issue, and revert the fix if required.
Such security and critical issue advisories are also proactively e-mailed to the customers with active service contracts.
For the full list of the Mirantis Technical Bulletins, refer to the Mirantis OpenStack Technical Bulletins page at the Mirantis official website.