Issues resolutions requiring manual application

Issues resolutions requiring manual application


Before proceeding with the manual steps below, verify that you have performed the steps described in Apply maintenance updates.

[26452] Fixed the issue with multitenancy support for the Swift containers in Ceph, which affected the containers availability. For the existing MCP deployments, perform the steps below to obtain the fix. The fix will be available only for the newly created tenants.

To fix the containers availability:

  1. Log in to the Salt Master node.

  2. Apply the ceph.common state on the Ceph nodes:

    salt -C "I@ceph:common" state.sls ceph.common
  3. Restart the Ceph Monitor services on the cmn nodes one by one. Wait for the HEALTH_OK status after each Ceph Monitor restart.

    salt -C NODE_NAME 'systemctl restart'
    salt -C NODE_NAME 'systemctl restart'
    salt -C NODE_NAME 'ceph -s'
  4. Restart the RADOS Gateway services on the rgw nodes one by one:

    salt -C NODE_NAME 'systemctl restart'
  5. Apply the keystone.client state and update the Swift endpoint:

    salt -C "I@keystone:client and *01*" state.sls keystone.client