[26315] [Pike] Fixed the community issue
that prevented the migration of any old instance after renaming the
availability zones through the Horizon web UI. Now, it is not possible to
rename a non-empty availability zone.
[26552] [Queens] Fixed the issue with inability to edit an image through
the Horizon web UI.
[24809] [Pike, Queens] Added support for the CSRF_COOKIE_HTTPONLY
option to fix the issues in the Launch instance menu and the
Warning: Policy check failed. errors in the Compute -> Images
menu of the Horizon web UI.
[27459] [Pike, Queens] Added support for the PASSWORD_VALIDATOR
setting in the Horizon web UI to prevent creation of weak passwords.
[28185] [Pike, Queens] Fixed the issue with
python-glanceclient failing to use the OS_CACERT environment
[28255] [Queens] Fixed the issue with inability to modify the Nova
disk_allocation_ratio parameter.
[28184] [Pike] Fixed the issue with self-signed certificates validation
failure when using Glance with the Swift backend and SSL enabled.
[26945] [Pike] Fixed the issue in cinder.conf breaking the scheduling
logic for the OpenStack volumes.
[25985] [Queens] Added support for the Cinder and Nova
[service_user] options to avoid the token expiration for long-running
[23600] [Pike, Queens] Fixed the configuration issue in CIS Four
scored items of CIS 5.4.1 are now fully available.
[25643][Pike, Queens] Fixed the Salt formula configuration issue
affecting the MCP OpenStack environments with Ironic and StackLight. On the
OpenStack environments with Ironic, VMware and some other services that do
not require libvirt are running on the local compute node. Therefore, the
Prometheus libvirt metrics collection was disabled for the OpenStack compute
nodes with Ironic.
[28345] [Pike, Queens] Fixed the issue causing Open vSwitch flows loss
after the restart of neutron-ovs-agent.
[29543][Pike, Queens] Updated Open vSwitch to version 2.8.4 for
OpenStack Pike and 2.9.0 for OpenStack Queens to fix the OVS memory leak
[28349] [Queens] Fixed the
community issue that caused
inability to obtain the DHCP address after resizing or cold-migrating the
guest VM with a specific port type.
[28029] [Pike, Queens] Fixed the issue with the
openstack usage list command showing an incomplete list of
projects in the output.
[27129] [Pike, Queens] Fixed the issue with failure to update the
resources for a node and displaying the DiskNotFound error message.
[27269] [Pike, Queens] Fixed the issue causing the
Tempest test to fail.
[27890] [Pike, Queens] Fixed the issue in Keystone that caused the
Deploy - cloud update pipeline job to fail during the upgrade of
the ctl nodes.
[27270] [Pike, Queens] Fixed the issue with the nova-status
upgrade check command using a public endpoint regardless of the interface
type defined in the placement section of nova.conf.
[25486] [Pike, Queens] Fixed the issue in the Heat formula that caused
inability to update Reclass with a custom name for the Heat user and a domain
name to use as a trusted domain.
[28006] [Queens] Fixed the issue with the flavor details pop-up
menu in the Project -> Compute -> Instances menu of the
Horizon web UI. Now, the pop-up menu appears once you move the cursor over
the flavor value.
[26269] [Queens] Fixed the issue with failure to change the logging level
for the OpenStack services.
[27985] [Pike] Fixed the issue with the volume availability zones not
matching the back-end availability zones after migration or retype.
[25448] [Pike, Queens] Fixed the issue with inability to modify the
Cinder iscsi_helper value. Now, you can define the iscsi_helper and
scheduler_default_filters parameters.
[27663] [Pike, Queens] Fixed the issue with inability to set
password_regex and password_regex_description in the
security_compliance section of keystone.conf.
[27457] [Pike, Queens] Added support for the SSH host key checking to
prevent insecure SSH configurations.
[27864] [Pike] Fixed the issue with the Nova user tokens configuration
causing failure of the Tempest tests.
[26861] [Pike, Queens] Fixed the issue with the nova.controller state
executing cells-related actions even with the test=true setting.
[26960] [Pike, Queens] Fixed the issue with Memcached objects being
created with infinite TTL to prevent excessive memory evictions of the
Memcached service.
[26891] [Pike, Queens] Implemented rate limiting for HAProxy to prevent
excessive requests.
[26294] [Pike, Queens] Decreased the database connection
idle_timeout/connection_recycle_time that caused Cinder to randomly print
INFO messages containing the Error word in the log file.
[29692] [Queens] Fixed the idempotency issue with
keystonemanage-bootstrap in the Keystone Salt formula that could cause
errors when applying the keystone state after upgrade to OpenStack