Alerts that require tuning

Alerts that require tuningΒΆ

After deploying StackLight LMA, you may need to customize some of the predefined alerts depending on the needs of your MCP deployment. This section provides the list of alerts that require customization after deployment. Some other alerts can also be configured as required. For an entire list of alerts and their tuning capabilities, see Available StackLight LMA alerts.

Component Alert
  1. NetdevBudgetRanOutsWarning
  2. PacketsDroppedByCpuMinor
  3. PacketsDroppedByCpuWarning
  4. SystemMemoryFullMajor
  5. SystemMemoryFullWarning
  6. SystemRxPacketsDroppedTooHigh
  7. SystemTxPacketsDroppedTooHigh
  8. SystemTxPacketsErrorTooHigh Available since 2019.2.15
  9. SystemRxPacketsErrorTooHigh Available since 2019.2.15
  10. SystemCpuStealTimeWarning Available since 2019.2.6
  11. SystemCpuStealTimeCritical Available since 2019.2.6
  12. OVSTooManyPortRunningOnAgent Available since 2019.2.6
  1. IronicErrorLogsTooHigh Available since 2019.2.6
  2. RabbitmqFdUsageWarning Available since 2019.2.6
  3. RabbitmqFdUsageCritical Available since 2019.2.6
  1. ContrailVrouterLLSSessionsChangesTooHigh
  2. ContrailVrouterLLSSessionsTooHigh
  3. ContrailVrouterDNSXMPPSessionsChangesTooHigh
  4. ContrailVrouterDNSXMPPSessionsTooHigh
  5. ContrailVrouterXMPPSessionsChangesTooHigh
  6. ContrailVrouterXMPPSessionsTooHigh
  7. ContrailXMPPSessionsChangesTooHigh
  8. ContrailXMPPSessionsTooHigh


Ceph prediction alerts are available starting from the 2019.2.3 maintenance update and must be enabled manually.

  1. CephPredictOsdIOPSthreshold
  2. CephPredictOsdIOPSauto
  3. CephPredictOsdWriteLatency
  4. CephPredictOsdReadLatency
  5. CephPredictPoolSpace
  6. CephPredictPoolIOPSthreshold
  7. CephPredictPoolIOPSauto
InfluxDB Deprecated in Q4`18 InfluxdbSeriesMaxNumberCritical