Restart the logging system components

Restart the logging system componentsΒΆ

The logging system components include Fluentd, Elasticsearch, and Kibana. If required, you can restart these components.

To restart Fluentd

The Fluentd process that is responsible for collecting logs is td-agent (Treasure Data Agent). The td-agent process starts automatically when the fluentd Salt state is applied. To manually start and stop it, use the Salt commands.

The following example shows how to restart the td-agent process from the Salt Master node on all Salt Minion nodes with names that start with ctl:

# salt 'ctl*' service.restart td-agent

Alternatively, SSH to the node and use the service manager (systemd or upstart) to restart the service. For example:

# ssh ctl01.mcp-lab-advanced.local
# service td-agent restart

See the salt.modules.service documentation for more information on how to use the Salt service execution module.

To restart Elasticsearch

Run the following command from the Salt Master node:

# salt 'log*' service.restart elasticsearch

To restart Kibana

Run the following command from the Salt Master node:

# salt 'log*' service.restart kibana