Upgrade DriveTrain to a newer release version

Upgrade DriveTrain to a newer release versionΒΆ

You can upgrade your MCP deployment to a certain MCP release version through DriveTrain using the Deploy - upgrade MCP DriveTrain pipeline. An MCP release version is a stable and product-ready combination of versions of MCP components tagged with a specific Build ID.

This section describes how to upgrade your MCP version from the Build ID 2018.11.0 to 2019.2.0. To upgrade an MCP version with an earlier Build ID, refer to the upgrade paths table in Release Compatibility Matrix: Supported upgrade paths.

Use this procedure to apply minor updates to MCP DriveTrain that will allow for further updates of the MCP components packages to higher minor versions as described in Update an MCP cluster. For a major upgrade of release versions of OpenStack, Kubernetes, and other MCP components, refer to the corresponding sections of Upgrade an MCP cluster.


The OpenContrail 4.x packages update is covered in a separate procedure. For details, see: Update the OpenContrail 4.x nodes.

To update the OpenContrail 3.2 packages, refer to the Upgrade the OpenContrail nodes to version 3.2 procedure after you upgrade MCP to a newer release version.