Issues resolutions applied automatically

Issues resolutions applied automatically

  • [30353] [Salt] Changed the default value of the Glance image protected type from string to bool to prevent the Glance state failures.
  • [29437] [Salt] Added the Cinder volume image_conversion_dir configuration option to set the path to a directory used for temporary storage during image conversion. This prevents huge disk and input/output consumption on the controller nodes if no volume nodes are used.
  • [30257] [Queens] Unhardcoded the RabbitMQ tuning settings in the Oslo templates Salt formula.
  • [30178] [Pike, Queens] Changed the Oslo messaging configuration to treat the SSL error timeouts as socket timeouts. This prevents the ConnectionForced: Too many heartbeats missed timeout errors on the compute nodes.
  • [29447] [Pike, Queens] Added the possibility to handle possible TypeError in on_inbound_method in oslo_messaging to raise the Connection already closed. recoverable error if another thread closes the RabbitMQ connection.
  • [29308] [Pike] Fixed the retry logic in the RabbitMQ ensure method to prevent the nova-compute services from being unable to connect to RabbitMQ after restart of the RabbitMQ cluster.
  • [30643] [Pike, Queens] Fixed the issue with Horizon displaying the Unable to connect to Neutron: ‘frozenset’ object has no attribute ‘_getitem_’ error message in the Horizon logs causing the instances list page to become empty. The error occurred during the network_list requests when the parameter list was too long.
  • [29118] [Queens] Fixed the issue in Horizon that logged a user out with the keypair 403 (Quota Exceeded) error message from Nova. Previously, Horizon interpreted the Nova 403 error message as an unauthorized access and immediately logged the user out. Now, Horizon raises the corresponding Quota exceeded, too many key pairs. error message.
  • [29415] [Queens] Fixed the Horizon test failures in the test environments with Python 3.5 and Django 2.0.
  • [30447] [Salt] Unhardcoded the authentication URLs for the OpenID Connect (OIDC) protocol in the Keystone Salt formula.
  • [30027] [Salt] Set the etc/hosts entries to lowercase in the Keystone Salt formula to prevent the glance image-list failed. HTTPMultipleChoices (HTTP 300) Requested version of OpenStack Images API is not available. exception after an MCP cluster redeployment with the cluster name containing capital letters.
  • [29843] [Pike] Fixed the issue in the OpenStack control plane upgrade from Pike to Queens of the OpenStack deployments with Octavia. Previously, the Deploy - upgrade control VMs pipeline job could fail with the NotFound: The resource could not be found. (HTTP 404) error.
  • [29844] [Pike] Fixed the issue in the Deploy - upgrade control VMs pipeline job failing during the application of the octavia.upgrade.verify._api state with Internal Server Error (HTTP 500) due to a missing ca-cert.pem on the MCP OpenStack deployments with Octavia.
  • [29862] [Pike, Queens] Fixed the issue with the dist-upgrade stage errors being ignored during the execution of the OpenStack Deploy - upgrade control VMs pipeline job. The fix replaces runSaltProcessStep in the osUpgrade and osDistUpgrade functions with cmdRun, which has the ability to verify the return error codes.
  • [30149] [Pike, Queens] Fixed the issue with live migration of instances between the Pike and Queens-based compute nodes after all controller nodes are upgraded to Queens. In Queens, the controller nodes send events about NICs being plugged only to the source compute nodes, while the Pike compute nodes logic expects these events on the destination nodes. The fix passes these events to both source and destination compute nodes.
  • [29798] [Pike, Queens] Fixed the issue with the Barbican verification failure during the update of the OpenStack control plane by adding retries to the barbicanv1 client.
  • [29451] [Reclass] Fixed the issue with IP being used instead of FQDN in OS_AUTH_URL for keystonercv3, keystonerc files, as well as in catalog and endpoint lists for admin and internal endpoints. The fix sets FQDN instead of IP for OS_AUTH_URL in keystonercv3.
  • [29377] [Queens, Salt] Fixed the issue with the bootstrap procedure creating the Keystone admin user and executing on all OpenStack controller nodes. Added the cluster role node check to the Keystone Salt formula to execute the bootstrap procedure only once on the first OpenStack controller node only.
  • [29357] [Salt] Updated the port configuration for RabbitMQ in the Barbican metadata to consistently use the port 5672.
  • [29126] [Salt] Fixed the issue with the gnocchi.server state failing during an OpenStack cluster deployment by updating the Redis configuration for all Ceilometer-related components.
  • [28990] [Salt] Fixed the potential security issue in an image corruption, compromising, or being overwritten due to the Glance show_multiple_locations and show_image_direct_url parameters being set to True by default. The fix sets these parameters to False by default.
  • [28973] [Pike] Fixed the issue with inability to change the language to Chinese in Horizon dashboard.
  • [28896] [Pike Queens] Added support for the | symbol to the VNC UI in Horizon. To apply the fix on existing OpenStack environments, stop the required instances using Nova or virsh and start them using Nova.
  • [28726] [Queens] Fixed the issue with the Horizon Angular-based dashboards, for example, for uploading an image or creating a snapshot, not being refreshed after an item on the dashboard page changes its status from the transition state. For example, an image could remain in the endless Creating state until the page is reloaded. The fix adds a periodical check for the status of an item being in the transition state.
  • [28711] [Pike Queens] Fixed the issue with the discrepancy between the availability zone name of an aggregate and a host after renaming the availability zone for an aggregate. Now, PUT /os-aggregates/{aggregate_id} and POST /os-aggregates/{aggregate_id}/action return an HTTP 400 message during an availability zone renaming if the hosts of an aggregate have any instances.
  • [28688] [Pike] Fixed the following issues with image upload failures when Glance is used with the Swift backend:
    • Fixed the issue with renewing connections to Swift by adding usage of the cached auth_ref property instead of obtaining a new one each time a given token is about to expire.
    • Fixed the issue with the last chunk being left in storage when an image upload to the Swift backend fails. Previously, chunks were counted after uploading, now, they are counted before uploading.
  • [28616] [Queens] Fixed the issue with glance-api failing to validate self-signed certificates when using Glance with Swift backend and SSL enabled.
  • [27017] [Salt] Fixed the issue with inability to configure the Heat reauthentication methods by adding the possibility to set the reauthentication_auth_method parameter for Heat in the Reclass cluster model.
  • [29603] [Salt] Fixed the issue with loss of connectivity to a guest VM after applying configuration changes to the Neutron OVS bridges. The fix adds linux:network:libvirt_vnet_repair: true to automatically reattach the libvirt vnet interfaces by getting the information about them from the current libvirt definitions to repair a guest VM connectivity with the host.
  • [27276] [Salt] Fixed the issue with importing errors and loading warnings on the Salt Master node from the neutronv2 modules.
  • [30150] [Pike] Fixed the issue with the MAC address is in use error when migrating a VM with a direct-physical port if the SR-IOV Physical Function (PF) passthrough (PT) ports are used. The fix adds a reset of a MAC address when unbinding a direct-physical port from a VM.
  • [29402] [Salt] Fixed the issue with the Neutron Salt formula being unable to handle the default quotas by adding a capability to configure them.
  • [29110] [Pike] Fixed the issue with failures during bulk creation of IPv6 subnets using API, leading to HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error.
  • [29040] [Salt] Added the capability to change the hardcoded values in the Cinder, Glance, and Nova configuration files by adding the configmap pillars to related Salt formulas.
  • [25928] [Pike] Fixed the issue that caused approximately 5% of instances to fail during the live migration of QEMU v2.5 to v2.11.
  • [30410] [Queens] Fixed the issue with inability to create a new VM after upgrading an MCP cluster.
  • [27222] Fixed the issue with the /var/log/glance/api.log permissions causing the upgrade of OpenStack to fail with the Salt state on controller nodes (ctl) failed* exception.
  • [31278] [Pike] Fixed the issue with MySQL occasionally failing on the Galera nodes.