

In the MCP 2019.2.5 maintenance update, Mirantis introduces the following enhancements for DriveTrain:

To obtain the enhancements, follow the steps described in Apply maintenance updates.

Security updates for Jenkins and Gerrit configuration

Introduced the following enhancements in the Jenkins and Gerrit configuration:

  • Switched from the HTTP to HTTPS schema for Jenkins on the cid nodes. Since Jenkins on the Salt Master node is disabled after deployment, it does not require SSL. Therefore, Jenkins on the Salt Master node has the HTTP scheme.
  • Switched from the HTTP to HTTPS schema for Gerrit on the cid nodes.
  • Switched OpenLDAP to the TLS connection.
  • Added Jenkins and Gerrit authorization in OpenLDAP through HTTPS.

AuditTrail plugin and Jenkins logging to StackLight

Implemented audit logging in Jenkins. Now, you can keep a log of the users who performed particular Jenkins operations, such as managing and using jobs.

Galera parameters configuration

Added the capability to configure the tmp_table_size, max_heap_table_size, and table_open_cache parameters of the MySQL my.cnf configuration file.

HAProxy global parameters configuration

Added the capability to configure the parameters of the global section of the HAProxy configuration file during the deployment of HAProxy.

SSH connection for Jenkins slaves

Implemented the ability to set up the SSH connection for Jenkins slaves instead of the Java Network Launch Protocol (JNLP), which is used by default.

CVP enhancements

To align the cvp-configuration repository branch name format with the MCP product components naming convention, introduced the new release/2019.2.0 branch and deprecated the old 2019.2.0 branch. For the MCP Q4`18 release, use the release/2019.2.0 branch.

Backupninja backup and restore pipelines

Added the capability to backup and restore the MAAS PostgreSQL database and the Salt Master node using the Backupninja salt-master/MaaS backup and Backupninja restore salt-master/MaaS backup Jenkins pipeline jobs.