This section describes the alerts for Nova resources consumption.
The following set of alerts has been removed starting from the 2019.2.4 maintenance update. For the existing MCP deployments, disable these alerts as described in Manage alerts.
Removed since the 2019.2.4 maintenance update
Severity | Minor |
Summary | {{ $value }} VCPUs on the {{ $labels.hostname }} node (>=
{{ cpu_minor_threshold * 100 }}% ) are used. |
Raise condition | label_replace(system_load15, "hostname", "$1", "host", "(.*)") > on
(hostname) openstack_nova_vcpus * 0.85 |
Description | Raises when the hypervisor consumes more than 85% of the available VCPU
(the average load for 15 minutes), according to the data from Nova API
and the load average from /proc/loadavg on the appropriate node. For
details, see Hypervisors.
The hostname label in the raised alert contains the affected node
name. |
Troubleshooting |
Tuning | Disable the alert as described in Manage alerts. |
Removed since the 2019.2.4 maintenance update
Severity | Major |
Summary | {{ $value }} VCPUs on the {{ $labels.hostname }} node
(>= {{ cpu_major_threshold * 100 }}% ) are used. |
Raise condition | label_replace(system_load15, "hostname", "$1", "host", "(.*)") > on
(hostname) openstack_nova_vcpus * 0.95 |
Description | Raises when the hypervisor consumes more than 95% of the available VCPU
(the average load for 15 minutes), according to the data from Nova API
and the load average from /proc/loadavg on the appropriate node. For
details, see
The hostname label in the raised alert contains the name of the
affected node. |
Troubleshooting |
Tuning | Disable the alert as described in Manage alerts. |
Removed since the 2019.2.4 maintenance update
Severity | Major |
Summary | {{ $value }}MB of RAM on the {{ $labels.hostname }} node
(>= {{ ram_major_threshold * 100 }}% ) is used. |
Raise condition | openstack_nova_used_ram > openstack_nova_ram * 0.85 |
Description | Raises when the hypervisor allocates more than 85% of the available RAM,
according to the data from Nova API. For details, see
The hostname label in the raised alert contains the name of the
affected node. |
Troubleshooting |
Tuning | Disable the alert as described in Manage alerts. |
Removed since the 2019.2.4 maintenance update
Severity | Critical |
Summary | {{ $value }}MB of RAM on the {{ $labels.hostname }} node (>=
{{ ram_critical_threshold * 100 }}% ) is used. |
Raise condition | openstack_nova_used_ram > openstack_nova_ram * 0.95 |
Description | Raises when the hypervisor allocates more than 95% of the available RAM,
according to the data from Nova API. For details, see
The hostname label in the raised alert contains the name of the
affected node. |
Troubleshooting |
Tuning | Disable the alert as described in Manage alerts. |
Removed since the 2019.2.4 maintenance update
Severity | Major |
Summary | {{ $value }}GB of disk space on the {{ $labels.hostname }} node
(>= {{ disk_major_threshold * 100 }}% ) is used. |
Raise condition | openstack_nova_used_disk > openstack_nova_disk * 0.85 |
Description | Raises when the hypervisor allocates more than 85% of the available disk
space, according to the data from Nova API. For details, see
The hostname label in the raised alert contains the name of the
affected node. |
Troubleshooting |
Tuning | Disable the alert as described in Manage alerts. |
Removed since the 2019.2.4 maintenance update
Severity | Critical |
Summary | {{ $value }}GB of disk space on the {{ $labels.hostname }} node
(>= {{ disk_critical_threshold *100 }}% ) is used. |
Raise condition | openstack_nova_used_disk > openstack_nova_disk * 0.95 |
Description | Raises when the hypervisor allocates more than 95% of the available disk
space, according to the data from Nova API. For details, see
The hostname label in the raised alert contains the name of the
affected node. |
Troubleshooting |
Tuning | Disable the alert as described in Manage alerts. |
Removed since the 2019.2.4 maintenance update
Severity | Major |
Summary | {{ $value }}MB of RAM on the {{ $labels.aggregate }} aggregate
is used (at least {{ ram_major_threshold * 100}}% ). |
Raise condition | openstack_nova_aggregate_used_ram > openstack_nova_aggregate_ram *
0.85 |
Description | Raises when the RAM allocation over all hypervisors within a host
aggregate is more than 85% of the total available RAM, according
to the data from Nova API. For details, see
and Host aggregates.
The aggregate label in the raised alert contains the name of the
affected host aggregate. |
Troubleshooting |
Tuning | Disable the alert as described in Manage alerts. |
Removed since the 2019.2.4 maintenance update
Severity | Critical |
Summary | {{ $value }}MB of RAM on the {{ $labels.aggregate }} aggregate
(>= {{ ram_critical_threshold * 100 }}% ) is used. |
Raise condition | openstack_nova_aggregate_used_ram > openstack_nova_aggregate_ram *
0.95 |
Description | Raises when the RAM allocation over all hypervisors within a host
aggregate is more than 95% of the total available RAM, according to the
data fromNova API. For details, see
and Host aggregates.
The aggregate label in the raised alert contains the name of the
affected host aggregate. |
Troubleshooting |
Tuning | Disable the alert as described in Manage alerts. |
Removed since the 2019.2.4 maintenance update
Severity | Major |
Summary | {{ $value }}GB of disk space on the {{ $labels.aggregate }}
aggregate (>= {{ disk_major_threshold *100 }}% ) is used. |
Raise condition | openstack_nova_aggregate_used_disk > openstack_nova_aggregate_disk *
0.85 |
Description | Raises when the disk space allocation over all hypervisors within a host
aggregate is more than 95% of the total available disk space,
according to the data from Nova API. For details, see
and Host aggregates.
The aggregate label in the raised alert contains the name of the
affected host aggregate. |
Troubleshooting |
Tuning | Disable the alert as described in Manage alerts. |
Removed since the 2019.2.4 maintenance update
Severity | Critical |
Summary | {{ $value }}GB of disk space on the {{ $labels.aggregate }}
aggregate (>= {{ disk_critical_threshold *100 }}% ) is used. |
Raise condition | openstack_nova_aggregate_used_disk > openstack_nova_aggregate_disk *
0.95 |
Description | Raises when the disk space allocation over all hypervisors within
a host aggregate is more than 95% of the total available disk space over
all hypervisors within the host aggregate, according to the data from
Nova API. For details, see
and Host aggregates.
The aggregate label in the raised alert contains the name of the
affected host aggregate. |
Troubleshooting |
Tuning | Disable the alert as described in Manage alerts. |
Removed since the 2019.2.4 maintenance update
Severity | Minor |
Summary | {{ $value }} VCPUs in the cloud (>=
{{ cpu_minor_threshold * 100 }}% ) are used. |
Raise condition | sum(label_replace(system_load15, "hostname", "$1", "host", "(.*)") and
on (hostname) openstack_nova_vcpus) > max(sum(openstack_nova_vcpus) by
(instance)) * 0.85 |
Description | Raises when the VCPU consumption over all hypervisors (the average load
for 15 minutes) is more than 85% of the total available VCPU, according
to the data from Nova API and /proc/loadavg on the appropriate node.
For details, see
Hypervisors. |
Troubleshooting |
Tuning | Disable the alert as described in Manage alerts. |
Removed since the 2019.2.4 maintenance update
Severity | Major |
Summary | {{ $value }} VCPUs in the cloud
(>= {{cpu_major_threshold * 100 }}% ) are used. |
Raise condition | sum(label_replace(system_load15, "hostname", "$1", "host", "(.*)") and
on (hostname) openstack_nova_vcpus) > max(sum(openstack_nova_vcpus) by
(instance)) * 0.95 |
Description | Raises when the VCPU consumption over all hypervisors (the average load
for 15 minutes) is more than 95% of the total available VCPU, according
to the data from Nova API and /proc/loadavg on the appropriate node.
For details, see
Hypervisors. |
Troubleshooting |
Tuning | Disable the alert as described in Manage alerts. |
Removed since the 2019.2.4 maintenance update
Severity | Major |
Summary | {{ $value }}MB of RAM in the cloud
(>= {{ram_major_threshold * 100}}% ) is used. |
Raise condition | openstack_nova_total_used_ram > openstack_nova_total_ram * 0.85 |
Description | Raises when the RAM allocation over all hypervisors is more than 85% of the total available RAM, according to the data from Nova API. For details, see Hypervisors. |
Troubleshooting |
Tuning | Disable the alert as described in Manage alerts. |
Removed since the 2019.2.4 maintenance update
Severity | Critical |
Summary | {{ $value }}MB of RAM in the cloud
(>= {{ram_critical_threshold * 100 }}% ) is used. |
Raise condition | openstack_nova_total_used_ram > openstack_nova_total_ram * 0.95 |
Description | Raises when the RAM allocation over all hypervisors is more than 95% of the total available RAM, according to the data from Nova API. For details, see Hypervisors. |
Troubleshooting |
Tuning | Disable the alert as described in Manage alerts. |
Removed since the 2019.2.4 maintenance update
Severity | Major |
Summary | {{ $value }}GB of disk space in the cloud
(>= {{disk_major_threshold * 100 }}% ) is used. |
Raise condition | openstack_nova_total_used_disk > openstack_nova_total_disk * 0.85 |
Description | Raises when the disk space allocation over all hypervisors is more than 85% of the total disk space, according to the data from Nova API. For details, see Hypervisors. |
Troubleshooting |
Tuning | Disable the alert as described in Manage alerts. |
Removed since the 2019.2.4 maintenance update
Severity | Critical |
Summary | {{ $value }}GB of disk space in the cloud
(>= {{disk_critical_threshold * 100 }}% ) is used. |
Raise condition | openstack_nova_total_used_disk > openstack_nova_total_disk * 0.95 |
Description | Raises when the disk space allocation over all hypervisors is more than 95% of the total disk space, according to the data from Nova API. For details, see Hypervisors. |
Troubleshooting |
Tuning | Disable the alert as described in Manage alerts. |