Disable HTTP probes for OpenStack public endpoints

Disable HTTP probes for OpenStack public endpointsΒΆ


This feature is available starting from the MCP 2019.2.12 maintenance update. Before using the feature, follow the steps described in Apply maintenance updates.

By default, Telegraf checks all endpoints from the OpenStack service catalog, including the public, admin, and internal endpoints. In some cases, public endpoints may be unreachable from the Telegraf container. For such cases, you can configure StackLight to skip HTTP probes for OpenStack public endpoints.

To disable or enable HTTP probes for OpenStack public endpoints:

  1. Open your Git project repository with the Reclass model on the cluster level.

  2. In <cluster_model>/stacklight/server.yml, specify the skip_public_endpoints parameter as required:

              skip_public_endpoints: true
  3. Log in to the Salt Master node.

  4. Apply the telegraf state to the mon nodes:

    salt 'mon*' state.sls telegraf