Verify ifmap-server

Verify ifmap-serverΒΆ

OpenContrail uses the standard Interface for Metadata Access Point (IF-MAP) mechanism for the configuration data distribution among OpenContrail configuration and control nodes.

To verify ifmap-server:

  1. Log in to any OpenContrail controller node.

  2. Verify that the virtual machine interface (VMI) is present in ifmap.

    1. Select from the following options:

      • Run the following command:

        ifmap-view visual visual 2>&1  | grep "contrail:virtual-machine-interface"

        Example of system response:

      • Verify the virtual machine interfaces directly by ID. For example:

        ifmap-view visual visual 2>&1  | grep 071b9c54-25ed-41cf-ab89-4f60b60e0e66

        Example of system response:

    2. If the record of the virtual machine interface in question is missing on the OpenContrail controller node, restart the ifmap-server and contrail-config-nodemgr services on this node:

      service ifmap-server restart
      service supervisor-config restart
    3. Verify the number of result items:

      ifmap-view visual visual  2>&1 | grep <virtual_machine>

      Example of system response:

      INFO: Number of result items for search = 72
      INFO: Properties on identifier = ['{}id-perms']
      INFO: Links from identifier = ['contrail:domain:default-domain',

      The number of result items should be the same on all OpenContrail controller nodes.

    4. If the nodes have a different number of result items, restart the ifmap-server and contrail-config-nodemgr services on these nodes:

      service ifmap-server restart
      service supervisor-config restart
  3. Verify the authentication parameters defined in /etc/ifmap-server/ Each IF-MAP client requires a unique user name. All OpenContrail controller nodes must have unique IF-MAP client IDs.


  4. Verify the ifmap-server logs in the following directories:

    • /var/log/contrail/ifmap-server.log
    • /var/log/contrail/ifmap-stdout.log
  5. Verify the introspect of the IF-MAP server over HTTP on the port 8083. Use the following introspect address format: http://<ntw0x_ip_address>:8083/ifmap_server_show.xml.

    1. In the IFMapPeerServerInfoReq section, click Send or open the following address in a browser: http://<ntw0x_ip_address>:8083/Snh_IFMapPeerServerInfoReq.

      The following screen shows an example of the IF-MAP server information:

    2. In the ds_peer_info and ds_peer_list sections, verify the information about all IF-MAP peers. In the example above, two OpenContrail controller nodes are displayed. The value of one peer node must be true in the In_use column.

  6. Repeat the steps above on the remaining OpenContrail controller nodes.