Troubleshoot a VM forward and reverse flow

Troubleshoot a VM forward and reverse flowΒΆ

This section describes how to receive the forward and reverse flow record information of VMs from their respective vRouter compute nodes. This information helps troubleshooting communication issues between virtual machines.

The image below displays an example of communication between VM_1 and VM_2:


The following table shows known information about troubleshooted flows described in this section:

Value name VM_1 VM_2
prefix local
prefix remote

To show flows between VMs:

Run the following command on one of the hosts:

  • For compute 002:

    root@cmp002:~# flow -l | grep '\|'

    Example of system response:

     Index                Source:Port/Destination:Port                      Proto(V)
    492152<=>1500364                                     1 (5)
    (Gen: 1, K(nh):83, Action:F, Flags:, QOS:-1, S(nh):83,  Stats:487/519142,
    1500364<=>492152                                   1 (5)
    (Gen: 1, K(nh):83, Action:F, Flags:, QOS:-1, S(nh):35,  Stats:487/519142,
  • For compute 003:

    root@cmp002:~# flow -l | grep '\|'
    # OR
    root@cmp002:~# flow --match ","

    Example of system response:

     Index                Source:Port/Destination:Port                      Proto(V)
    1274292<=>1451388                                     1 (1)
    (Gen: 15, K(nh):98, Action:F, Flags:, QOS:-1, S(nh):63,  Stats:983/1047878,
    1451388<=>1274292                                   1 (1)
    (Gen: 9, K(nh):98, Action:F, Flags:, QOS:-1, S(nh):98,  Stats:983/1047878,

In the output, you can see the ICMP request and response.

Pay attention to the following important parts of the output:

If you get Action: D(Sg), there might be an issue in security groups.
It means that next hops are assigned to prefixes. It represents nh-id for the flow.
This is the next hop used for RPF checks. When a flow is being setup, agent will do route lookup for the source IP and sets up the rpf-nh in the flow. The type of NH used depends on matched route for the source IP.

The following table describes the abbreviations used in the flow output:

Parameter Abbreviation description
  • F=Forward
  • D=Drop N=NAT(S=SNAT, D=DNAT, Ps=SPAT, Pd=DPAT, L=Link Local Port)
  • K(nh)=Key_Nexthop
  • S(nh)=RPF_Nexthop
  • E=Evicted
  • Ec=Evict Candidate
  • N=New Flow
  • M=Modified Dm=Delete Marked
  • S=SYN
  • F=FIN
  • R=RST
  • C=HalfClose
  • E=Established
  • D=Dead

Now, we have the following information about troubleshooted flows described in this section:

Value name VM_1 VM_2
prefix local
prefix remote
nh local 83 98
nh remote 35 63

To get VRF ID:

Run the following commands:

  • For compute 002:

    root@cmp002:~# nh --get 83
    Id:83         Type:Encap          Fmly: AF_INET  Rid:0  Ref_cnt:4          Vrf:5
                  Flags:Valid, Policy,
                  EncapFmly:0806 Oif:8 Len:14
                  Encap Data: 02 29 64 b3 e2 f4 00 00 5e 00 01 00 08 00
    root@cmp002:~# nh --get 35
    Id:35         Type:Tunnel         Fmly: AF_INET  Rid:0  Ref_cnt:4850       Vrf:0
                  Flags:Valid, MPLSoUDP,
                  Oif:0 Len:14 Flags Valid, MPLSoUDP,  Data:0c c4 7a 50 27 88 0c c4 7a 17 99 5d 08 00
                  Vrf:0  Sip:  Dip:
  • For compute 003:

    root@cmp003:~# nh --get 98
    Id:98         Type:Encap          Fmly: AF_INET  Rid:0  Ref_cnt:5          Vrf:1
                  Flags:Valid, Policy,
                  EncapFmly:0806 Oif:13 Len:14
                  Encap Data: 02 d1 32 42 b5 87 00 00 5e 00 01 00 08 00
    root@cmp003:~# nh --get 63
    Id:63         Type:Tunnel         Fmly: AF_INET  Rid:0  Ref_cnt:20         Vrf:0
                  Flags:Valid, MPLSoUDP,
                  Oif:0 Len:14 Flags Valid, MPLSoUDP,  Data:0c c4 7a 17 99 5d 0c c4 7a 50 27 88 08 00
                  Vrf:0  Sip:  Dip:

Using the outputs above, we add the following information about the troubleshooted flows described in this section:

Value name VM_1 VM_2
prefix local
prefix remote
nh local 83 98
nh remote 35 63
VRF local 5 1
VRF remote 0 0

To identify tap interface used by VMs:

  1. Log in to an OpenStack controller node.

  2. Identify the tap interface used by VMs:

    neutron port-list | grep | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 1-11 | awk '{print "tap"$1}'
    neutron port-list | grep | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 1-11 | awk '{print "tap"$1}'

    You cam also get this information from the compute cmp node using the 0if value of the nh --get XY command output. For example:

    nh --get 83

    Example of system response:

    Id:83         Type:Encap          Fmly: AF_INET  Rid:0  Ref_cnt:4          Vrf:5
                  Flags:Valid, Policy,
                  EncapFmly:0806 Oif:8 Len:14
                  Encap Data: 02 29 64 b3 e2 f4 00 00 5e 00 01 00 08 00
    vif --get 8

    Example of system response:

    Vrouter Interface Table
    Flags: P=Policy, X=Cross Connect, S=Service Chain, Mr=Receive Mirror
           Mt=Transmit Mirror, Tc=Transmit Checksum Offload, L3=Layer 3, L2=Layer 2
           D=DHCP, Vp=Vhost Physical, Pr=Promiscuous, Vnt=Native Vlan Tagged
           Mnp=No MAC Proxy, Dpdk=DPDK PMD Interface, Rfl=Receive Filtering Offload, Mon=Interface is Monitored
           Uuf=Unknown Unicast Flood, Vof=VLAN insert/strip offload, Df=Drop New Flows, Proxy=MAC Requests Proxied Always
    vif0/8      OS: tap2964b3e2-f4
                Type:Virtual HWaddr:00:00:5e:00:01:00 IPaddr:0
                Vrf:5 Flags:PL3L2D QOS:-1 Ref:5
                RX packets:7221  bytes:5897180 errors:0
                TX packets:7229  bytes:6023816 errors:0

    You can compare the Vrf parameter of this output with the output for Id:83.

Using the outputs above, we add the following information about the troubleshooted flows described in this section:

Value name VM_1 VM_2
prefix local
prefix remote
nh local 83 98
nh remote 35 63
VRF local 5 1
VRF remote 0 0
Tap Interface tap2964b3e2-f4 tapd13242b5-87

To verify a routing table for VRF (routing instance):

Show or dump the routing table of the required VRF using the rt command

  • For compute 002:

    root@cmp002:~# rt --dump 5 | grep         32            P          -       83        2:29:64:b3:e2:f4(240568)
    root@cmp002:~# rt --dump 5 | grep       32           LP         44       35        2:d1:32:42:b5:87(149684)
  • For compute 003:

    root@cmp003:~# rt --dump 1 | grep         32           LP         33       63        2:29:64:b3:e2:f4(159964)
    root@cmp003:~# rt --dump 1 | grep       32            P          -       98        2:d1:32:42:b5:87(227736)

If the above procedure does not resolve the issues, proceed with the following steps:

  • Verify that a network policy is created.
  • Verify that a network policy is assigned to VMs.
  • Verify the rules of a security group.
  • Verify that virtual networks (VNs) are assigned a correct security group.
  • Verify that the routing table using the rt --dump <VRF_ID> if prefixes were exchanged.
  • Verify MTU on physical interface used by vRouter.
  • Verify the MTU jumbo frames in the underlay network.