This section describes how to update or upgrade your Kubernetes cluster including Calico and etcd [0] using the Jenkins Deploy - update Kubernetes cluster pipeline.
To update or upgrade Kubernetes using the Jenkins pipeline:
Log in to the Jenkins web UI.
Open the Deploy - update Kubernetes cluster pipeline.
Specify the following parameters:
Parameter | Description and values |
ARTIFACTORY_URL | Optional. Required for conformance tests only. The artifactory URL where Docker images are located. Automatically taken from Reclass. |
CALICO_UPGRADE_VERSION | Define the version of the calico-upgrade utility to use during
the Calico upgrade. This option is only relevant if
UPGRADE_CALICO_V2_TO_V3 is selected. |
CMP_TARGET | Add the target Kubernetes cmp nodes. For example,
'cmp* and I@kubernetes:pool' . |
CONFORMANCE_RUN_AFTER | Optional. Select to run the Kubernetes conformance tests after you upgrade a Kubernetes cluster. |
CONFORMANCE_RUN_BEFORE | Optional. Select to run the Kubernetes conformance tests before you upgrade a Kubernetes cluster. |
CTL_TARGET | Add the target Kubernetes ctl nodes. For example,
I@kubernetes:master . |
Leave these fields empty since you have already updated your MCP cluster to a newer Build ID as described in Upgrade DriveTrain to a newer release version. |
KUBERNETES_CALICO_CNI_SOURCE | Leave this field empty since you have already updated
your MCP cluster to a newer Build ID as described in
Upgrade DriveTrain to a newer release version. For testing purposes, you can add
a versioned calico/cni image to use in your deployments. |
KUBERNETES_CALICO_IMAGE | Leave this field empty since you have already updated
your MCP cluster to a newer Build ID as described in
Upgrade DriveTrain to a newer release version. For testing purposes, you can add
a versioned calico/node image to use in your deployments. |
KUBERNETES_CALICO_KUBE_CONTROLLERS_IMAGE | Leave this field empty since you have already updated
your MCP cluster to a newer Build ID as described in
Upgrade DriveTrain to a newer release version. For testing purposes, you can add
a versioned calico/kube-controllers image to use in your deployments. |
KUBERNETES_ETCD_SOURCE [0] | Leave this field empty since you have already updated your MCP cluster to a newer Build ID as described in Upgrade DriveTrain to a newer release version. For testing purposes, you can add a versioned binary of the etcd server to use in your deployment. |
KUBERNETES_ETCD_SOURCE_HASH [0] | Leave this field empty since you have already updated your MCP cluster to a newer Build ID as described in Upgrade DriveTrain to a newer release version. For testing purposes, you can add the checksum of the versioned etcd binary set in the KUBERNETES_ETCD_SOURCE field. |
KUBERNETES_HYPERKUBE_SOURCE | Leave this field empty since you have already updated your MCP cluster to a newer Build ID as described in Upgrade DriveTrain to a newer release version. For testing purposes, you can add a versioned image to update
the Kubernetes Master nodes from. Also, verify that the
KUBERNETES_HYPERKUBE_SOURCE_HASH | Leave this field empty since you have already updated your MCP cluster to a newer Build ID as described in Upgrade DriveTrain to a newer release version. |
KUBERNETES_PAUSE_IMAGE | Leave this field empty since you have already updated your MCP cluster to a newer Build ID as described in Upgrade DriveTrain to a newer release version. For testing purposes, you can add a versioned image to use in your deployments. |
PER_NODE | Select to update or upgrade the target Kubernetes nodes one by one. The option is required for the draining and cordoning functionality. Recommended. |
SALT_MASTER_CREDENTIALS | The Salt Master credentials to use for connection, defaults to
salt . |
SALT_MASTER_URL | The Salt Master node host URL with the salt-api port, defaults to
the jenkins_salt_api_url parameter. For example, . |
SIMPLE_UPGRADE | Select if you do not need to drain and cordon the nodes during the cluster upgrade. Not recommended. |
TARGET_UPDATES | Add the comma-separated list of the Kubernetes nodes to update.
Valid values are ctl , cmp . To update only the Kubernetes
Nodes, for example, define cmp only. |
TEST_K8S_API_SERVER | Optional. Required for conformance tests only. The IP address of a local Kubernetes API server for conformance tests. |
UPGRADE_CALICO_V2_TO_V3 | Select to upgrade Calico from version 2.6.x to the latest supported version (3.x). This option is required only for upgrade of Calico from version 2.6.x. To update the minor Calico version (for example, from 3.1.x to 3.3.x), do not select this option, since the regular Kubernetes update procedure already includes the update of Calico minor version. Caution The Calico upgrade process implies the Kubernetes services downtime for workloads operations, for example, workloads spawning and removing. The downtime is caused by the necessity of the etcd schema migration where the Calico endpoints data and other Calico configuration data is stored. |
Click Deploy. To monitor the deployment process, follow the instruction in MCP Deployment Guide: View the deployment details.
Obsolete since 2019.2.3 If you do not have any third-party Docker workloads that run outside the MCP Kubernetes cluster, stop and disable Docker on reboot. Run the following commands on any Kubernetes Master node:
systemctl stop docker
systemctl disable docker
If your MCP cluster version is 2019.2.3 or later, skip this step since Docker is removed during the upgrade.
The Deploy - update Kubernetes cluster pipeline workflow:
While any Kubernetes node is being cordoned or drained, other cluster nodes run its services. Therefore, the workload is not affected.
images defined in the
KUBERNETES_PAUSE_IMAGE pipeline fields or defined
on the reclass-system
level of the Reclass model for
the target Kubernetes ctl
and cmp
nodes during
the MCP release version upgrade.calico
images defined in the
or defined on the reclass-system
level of the Reclass model for
the target Kubernetes ctl
and cmp
nodes during
the MCP release version upgrade.ctl
nodes one by one.ctl
, api-scheduler
, kube-proxy
one by one.ctl
one by one.[0] | (1, 2, 3) The etcd upgrade is added since the MCP 2019.2.3 maintenance update. |