Issues resolutions requiring manual application

Issues resolutions requiring manual application


Before proceeding with the manual steps below, verify that you have performed the steps described in Apply maintenance updates.

[36098] Nova host_subset_size set to a wrong default value

Pike, Queens

Fixed the issue with the host_subset_size parameter in the configuration of nova-controller being set to 30, which could cause scheduling issues. Now, host_subset_size is set to 1 by default. If you previously did not change the host_subset_size value, the issue resolution will apply automatically. Otherwise, manually set host_subset_size to 1 as described below.

To apply the issue resolution:

  1. Open your Git project repository with the Reclass model on the cluster level.

  2. In openstack/control.yml, set the host_subset_size parameter to 1:

        host_subset_size: 1
  3. Log in to the Salt Master node.

  4. Apply the changes:

    salt 'ctl*' state.apply nova