Issues resolutions applied automatically

Issues resolutions applied automatically

  • [33878] Fixed the issue with OpenStack notifications missing in the Kibana web UI after the update of RabbitMQ.
  • [34049] Fixed the issue with the Deploy - upgrade StackLight Jenkins pipeline job failing during the upgrade of Elasticsearch because of a wrong syntax.
  • [34251] Fixed the issue with false-positive raise of the OVSTooManyPortRunningOnAgent, OVSErrorOnPort, and OVSNonInternalPortDown alerts in case of instances removal. Increased the threshold interval.
  • [33588] Fixed the issue with Telegraf failing to gather metrics if SolidFire is used as Cinder backend.
  • [33883] Fixed the issue with bond members being listed twice in the Bond slave status panel of the Bond Grafana dashboard.
  • [33864] Raised the threshold for the SystemSMARTDiskReallocatedSectorsCount alert from > 0 to > 10 and changed the severity from Major to Warning.
  • [33756] Added the stats and openstack_web_proxy-backend HAProxy modules to exceptions to avoid false-positive raise of the HaproxyBackendOutage alert.