Cloud Health

Cloud HealthΒΆ


The DevOps Portal has been deprecated in the Q4`18 MCP release tagged with the 2019.2.0 Build ID.

The Cloud Health dashboard is the UI for the Cloud Health Service.

The Cloud Health service collects availability results for all cloud services and failed customer (tenant) interactions (FCI) for a subset of those services. These metrics are displayed so that operators can see both point-in-time health status and trends over time.


The Cloud Health service depends on the following services:

  • DevOps Portal web UI
  • Grafana service of StackLight LMA

To view the metrics:

  1. Log in to the DevOps Portal.
  2. Navigate to the Cloud health dashboard.
  3. View the metrics on tabs depending on your needs:
    • The Availability tab for the availability results for all cloud services
    • The FCI tab for FCI for a subset of cloud services