SMART disks

SMART disks

This section describes the alerts for SMART disks.


SMART disks monitoring is available starting from the MCP 2019.2.3 update. For the existing MCP deployments, manually enable SMART disks monitoring as described in Enable SMART disk monitoring.


SMART disks alerts have been removed starting from the MCP 2019.2.9 update.


Available starting from the 2019.2.3 maintenance update

Severity Warning
Summary The {{ $labels.device }} disk on the {{ $ }} node is reporting UDMA CRC errors for 5 minutes.
Raise condition increase(smart_device_udma_crc_errors[1m]) > 0
Description Raises when the SMART Telegraf input plugin (using smartmontools) detects the SMART UDMA CRC error messages on a host every minute for 5 minutes. The host and device labels in the raised alert contain the name of the affected node and the affected device.
Troubleshooting Inspect the disk SMART data using the smartctl command.

For example, to change the threshold to 5 errors during 5 minutes:

  1. On the cluster level of the Reclass model, create a common file for all alert customizations. Skip this step to use an existing defined file.

    1. Create a file for alert customizations:

      touch cluster/<cluster_name>/stacklight/custom/alerts.yml
    2. Define the new file in cluster/<cluster_name>/stacklight/server.yml:

      - cluster.<cluster_name>.stacklight.custom.alerts
  2. In the defined alert customizations file, modify the alert threshold by overriding the if parameter:

              if: >-
                increase(smart_device_udma_crc_errors[5m]) > 5
  3. From the Salt Master node, apply the changes:

    salt 'I@prometheus:server' state.sls prometheus.server
  4. Verify the updated alert definition in the Prometheus web UI.


Available starting from the 2019.2.3 maintenance update

Severity Warning
Summary The {{ $labels.device }} disk on the {{ $ }} node is reporting bad health status for 1 minute.
Raise condition smart_device_health_ok == 0
Description Raises when the SMART Telegraf input plugin (using smartmontools) detects bad health status of a SMART disk on a host for 1 minute. The host and device labels in the raised alert contain the name of the affected node and the affected device.
Troubleshooting Inspect the disk SMART data using the smartctl command.
Tuning Not required


Available starting from the 2019.2.3 maintenance update

Severity Warning
Summary The {{ $labels.device }} disk on the {{ $ }} node is reporting an increased read error rate for 5 minutes.
Raise condition increase(smart_device_read_error_rate[1m]) > 0
Description Raises when the SMART Telegraf input plugin (using smartmontools) detects the ReadErrorRate messages on a host every minute for the last 5 minutes. The host and device labels in the raised alert contain the name of the affected node and the affected device.
Troubleshooting Inspect the disk SMART data using the smartctl command.

For example, to change the threshold to 5 errors during 5 minutes:

  1. On the cluster level of the Reclass model, create a common file for all alert customizations. Skip this step to use an existing defined file.

    1. Create a file for alert customizations:

      touch cluster/<cluster_name>/stacklight/custom/alerts.yml
    2. Define the new file in cluster/<cluster_name>/stacklight/server.yml:

      - cluster.<cluster_name>.stacklight.custom.alerts
  2. In the defined alert customizations file, modify the alert threshold by overriding the if parameter:

              if: >-
                increase(smart_device_read_error_rate[5m]) > 5
  3. From the Salt Master node, apply the changes:

    salt 'I@prometheus:server' state.sls prometheus.server
  4. Verify the updated alert definition in the Prometheus web UI.


Available starting from the 2019.2.3 maintenance update

Severity Warning
Summary The {{ $labels.device }} disk on the {{ $ }} node is reporting an increased seek error rate for 5 minutes.
Raise condition increase(smart_device_seek_error_rate[1m]) > 0
Description Raises when the SMART Telegraf input plugin (using smartmontools) detects the SeekErrorRate messages on a host every minute for the last 5 minutes. The host and device labels in the raised alert contain the name of the affected node and the affected device.
Troubleshooting Inspect the disk SMART data using the smartctl command.

To change the threshold to 5 errors during 5 minutes:

  1. On the cluster level of the Reclass model, create a common file for all alert customizations. Skip this step to use an existing defined file.

    1. Create a file for alert customizations:

      touch cluster/<cluster_name>/stacklight/custom/alerts.yml
    2. Define the new file in cluster/<cluster_name>/stacklight/server.yml:

      - cluster.<cluster_name>.stacklight.custom.alerts
  2. In the defined alert customizations file, modify the alert threshold by overriding the if parameter:

              if: >-
               increase(smart_device_seek_error_rate[5m]) > 5
  3. From the Salt Master node, apply the changes:

    salt 'I@prometheus:server' state.sls prometheus.server
  4. Verify the updated alert definition in the Prometheus web UI.


Available starting from the 2019.2.3 maintenance update

Severity Warning
Summary The {{ $labels.device }} disk on the {{ $ }} node has a temperature of {{ $value }}C for 5 minutes.
Raise condition smart_device_temp_c >= 60
Description Raises when the SMART Telegraf input plugin detects that the SMART disk temperature on a host is above the default threshold of 60°C for the last 5 minutes. The host and device labels in the raised alert contain the name of the affected node and the affected device.
Troubleshooting Inspect the disk SMART data using the smartctl command.

For example, to change the threshold to >=40C degrees:

  1. On the cluster level of the Reclass model, create a common file for all alert customizations. Skip this step to use an existing defined file.

    1. Create a file for alert customizations:

      touch cluster/<cluster_name>/stacklight/custom/alerts.yml
    2. Define the new file in cluster/<cluster_name>/stacklight/server.yml:

      - cluster.<cluster_name>.stacklight.custom.alerts
  2. In the defined alert customizations file, modify the alert threshold by overriding the if parameter:

              if: >-
                smart_device_temp_c >= 40
  3. From the Salt Master node, apply the changes:

    salt 'I@prometheus:server' state.sls prometheus.server
  4. Verify the updated alert definition in the Prometheus web UI.


Available starting from the 2019.2.3 maintenance update

Severity Major Minor in 2019.2.4
Summary The {{ $labels.device }} disk on the {{ $ }} node has reallocated {{ $value }} sectors.
Raise condition increase(smart_attribute_raw_value{name="Reallocated_Sector_Ct"}[10m]) > 0
Description Raises when the SMART Telegraf input plugin (using smartmontools) detects the ReallocatedSectorsCount messages every 10 minutes. The host and device labels in the raised alert contain the name of the affected node and the affected device.
Troubleshooting Inspect the disk SMART data using the smartctl command.

For example, to change the threshold 5 errors during 5 minutes:

  1. On the cluster level of the Reclass model, create a common file for all alert customizations. Skip this step to use an existing defined file.

    1. Create a file for alert customizations:

      touch cluster/<cluster_name>/stacklight/custom/alerts.yml
    2. Define the new file in cluster/<cluster_name>/stacklight/server.yml:

      - cluster.<cluster_name>.stacklight.custom.alerts
  2. In the defined alert customizations file, modify the alert threshold by overriding the if parameter:

              if: >-
               {name="Reallocated_Sector_Ct"}[5m]) > 5
  3. From the Salt Master node, apply the changes:

    salt 'I@prometheus:server' state.sls prometheus.server
  4. Verify the updated alert definition in the Prometheus web UI.


Available starting from the 2019.2.3 maintenance update

Severity Major Minor in 2019.2.4
Summary The {{ $labels.device }} disk on the {{ $ }} node has {{ $value }} current pending sectors.
Raise condition increase(smart_attribute_raw_value{name="Current_Pending_Sector"} [10m]) > 0
Description Raises when the SMART Telegraf input plugin (using smartmontools) detects the CurrentPendingSectors messages every 10 minutes. The host and device labels in the raised alert contain the name of the affected node and the affected device.
Troubleshooting Inspect the disk SMART data using the smartctl command.

For example, to change the threshold to 5 errors during 5 minutes:

  1. On the cluster level of the Reclass model, create a common file for all alert customizations. Skip this step to use an existing defined file.

    1. Create a file for alert customizations:

      touch cluster/<cluster_name>/stacklight/custom/alerts.yml
    2. Define the new file in cluster/<cluster_name>/stacklight/server.yml:

      - cluster.<cluster_name>.stacklight.custom.alerts
  2. In the defined alert customizations file, modify the alert threshold by overriding the if parameter:

              if: >-
               {name="Current_Pending_Sector"}[5m]) > 5
  3. From the Salt Master node, apply the changes:

    salt 'I@prometheus:server' state.sls prometheus.server
  4. Verify the updated alert definition in the Prometheus web UI.


Available starting from the 2019.2.3 maintenance update

Severity Major Minor in 2019.2.4
Summary The {{ $labels.device }} disk on the {{ $ }} node has {{ $value }} reported uncorrectable errors.
Raise condition increase(smart_attribute_raw_value{name="Reported_Uncorrect"}[10m]) > 0
Description Raises when the SMART Telegraf input plugin (using smartmontools) detects the ReportedUncorrectableErrors messages every 10 minutes. The host and device labels in the raised alert contain the name of the affected node and the affected device.
Troubleshooting Inspect the disk SMART data using the smartctl command.

For example, to change the threshold to 5 errors during 5 minutes:

  1. On the cluster level of the Reclass model, create a common file for all alert customizations. Skip this step to use an existing defined file.

    1. Create a file for alert customizations:

      touch cluster/<cluster_name>/stacklight/custom/alerts.yml
    2. Define the new file in cluster/<cluster_name>/stacklight/server.yml:

      - cluster.<cluster_name>.stacklight.custom.alerts
  2. In the defined alert customizations file, modify the alert threshold by overriding the if parameter:

              if: >-
               {name="Reported_Uncorrect"}[5m]) > 5
  3. From the Salt Master node, apply the changes:

    salt 'I@prometheus:server' state.sls prometheus.server
  4. Verify the updated alert definition in the Prometheus web UI.


Available starting from the 2019.2.5 maintenance update

Severity Major
Summary The {{ $labels.device }} disk on the {{ $ }} node has {{ $value }} offline uncorrectable sectors.
Raise condition smart_attribute_raw_value{name="Offline_Uncorrectable"} > 0
Description Raises when the SMART input plugin detects that the Offline_Uncorrectable parameter is not 0. The host and device labels in the raised alert contain the name of the affected node and the affected device.
Troubleshooting Inspect the disk SMART data using the smartctl command.
Tuning Not required


Available starting from the 2019.2.3 maintenance update

Severity Major Minor in 2019.2.4
Summary The {{ $labels.device }} disk on the {{ $ }} node has {{ $value }} end-to-end errors.
Raise condition increase(smart_attribute_raw_value{name="End-to-End_Error"}[10m]) > 0
Description Raises when the SMART Telegraf input plugin (using smartmontools) detects the EndToEndError messages every 10 minutes. The host and device labels in the raised alert contain the name of the affected node and the affected device.
Troubleshooting Inspect the disk SMART data using the smartctl command.

For example, to change the threshold to 5 errors during 5 minutes:

  1. On the cluster level of the Reclass model, create a common file for all alert customizations. Skip this step to use an existing defined file.

    1. Create a file for alert customizations:

      touch cluster/<cluster_name>/stacklight/custom/alerts.yml
    2. Define the new file in cluster/<cluster_name>/stacklight/server.yml:

      - cluster.<cluster_name>.stacklight.custom.alerts
  2. In the defined alert customizations file, modify the alert threshold by overriding the if parameter:

              if: >-
               {name="End-to-End_Error"}[5m]) > 5
  3. From the Salt Master node, apply the changes:

    salt 'I@prometheus:server' state.sls prometheus.server
  4. Verify the updated alert definition in the Prometheus web UI.