OpenStack VCP Core services

OpenStack VCP Core services

The following table summarizes the core capabilities provided by MCP Cloud Provider Infrastructure as APIs, services that provide specific parts of that API, the default and optional backends used by these services, where applicable.

OpenStack core services
API type Capabilities provided Service Default back-end Optional back-ends
Compute Boot and run virtual machines Nova Linux KVM N/A
Identity Control ownership, access and quota for the virtual resources Keystone N/A N/A
Image Create and manage VM disk images and snapshots Glance Ceph GlusterFS
Networking Create, manage and connect virtual overlay networks for the VMs Neutron OpenVSwitch OpenContrail
Orchestration Create and manage templates and instances of virtual infrastructures Heat N/A N/A
Dashboard Access dashboard UI for managing the virtual resources Horizon N/A N/A
Block storage Create, manage and connect block storage resources to the VMs Cinder Ceph LVM
Object storage Create, download and manage storage objects Ceph RADOS Gateway Ceph N/A