OpenStack dashboards

OpenStack dashboardsΒΆ

This section describes Grafana dashboards for OpenStack that you can use to explore different time-series facets of your OpenStack environment.

Dashboard Description
Cinder Provides a detailed view of the OpenStack Block Storage service metrics, such as the cluster status, host API status, API performance, Cinder services, and resources usage.
Glance Provides a detailed view of the OpenStack Image service metrics, including the overall health status of the Glance service cluster, host API status, API performance, and various indicators of the virtual resources usage, such as the number of images and snapshots, their status, size, and visibility.
Heat Provides a detailed view of the OpenStack Orchestration service, including the cluster status, host API status, and API performance metrics.
Ironic Available since 2019.2.6


This feature is available starting from the MCP 2019.2.6 maintenance update. Before using the feature, follow the steps described in Apply maintenance updates.

Provides a detailed overview of the OpenStack Bare Metal Provisioning service, including the cluster status, host API status, Ironic services, nodes, and drivers metrics.

Keystone Provides information about the OpenStack Identity service, including the cluster status, host API status, API performance, and the number of active and disabled Keystone users and tenants.
Neutron Provides a detailed view of the OpenStack networking service, including the cluster status, host API status, API performance, and resources consumption.
Nova dashboards
  • Nova - availability zones is available starting from the MCP 2019.2.8 maintenance update and provides the OpenStack availability zones statistics such as the availability zone and hypervisor usage, including the CPU, RAM, and disk usage.
  • Nova - overview provides an overview of the cluster status, host API status, API performance, and the status of Nova services.
  • Nova - hypervisor overview displays the CPU, RAM, and disk usage by particular hosts.
  • Nova - utilization displays the general information on CPU, RAM, and disk usage, as well as the aggregate and hypervisors usage.
  • Nova - instances:
    • Prior to the MCP 2019.2.7 maintenance update, provides the host usage information, such as the number of running instances and tasks, and the instance usage, such as the CPU, memory usage, and so on.
    • Starting from the MCP 2019.2.7 maintenance update, provides a more comprehensive information about instances, such as the CPU, RAM, disk throughput usage and allocation and allows sorting the metrics by top instances.
  • Nova - users and Nova - tenants dashboards are available starting from the MCP 2019.2.7 maintenance update and provide information about CPU, RAM, disk throughput, IOPS, and space usage and allocation and allow sorting the metrics by top users or tenants.
Octavia Provides a detailed view of the OpenStack Octavia service that is coupled with the Neutron LBaaS to display the load balancing state of your OpenStack environment. The dashboard displays the Octavia API availability and the number of resources for Octavia/LBaaS, including the load balancers, listeners, pools, members, and monitors.
OpenStack overview Provides a detailed view of your MCP OpenStack environment, including the cloud usage metrics, API errors, and allocations per aggregate.
OpenStack Tenants Removed since 2019.2.7


Starting from the MCP 2019.2.7 update, the dashboard has been removed in favor of the Nova - users and Nova - tenants dashboards that are more informative.

Provides a detailed view of Nova instances usage per tenants and users, including the CPU and memory usage, disks I/O, and network RX/TX.