Manila deprecation notice
In the MCP 2019.2.7 update, the OpenStack Manila component is being considered for deprecation. The corresponding capabilities are still available, although not further enhanced.
Starting with the 2019.2.11 maintenance update, the OpenStack Manila component will no longer be supported by Mirantis. For those existing customers who have the Manila functionality explicitly included in the scope of their contracts, Mirantis will continue to fulfill the corresponding support obligations.
Since OpenStack Manila is a share-as-a-service component, it requires network to be configured properly to reach shares from inside virtual machines. The networking approach heavily varies depending on an environment architecture and Manila backend. Some scenarios use the L2 connectivity with network interfaces for share servers created on a tenant-owned subnet. Therefore, virtual machines have direct connectivity to the storage. Such configuration requires a driver that can create share servers for each tenant.
For the list of share drivers and their capabilities supported in OpenStack, see Manila share features support mapping in the official OpenStack documentation.
In some cases, the Manila share server runs on a standalone node that requires a separate network. Such approach requires the L3 connectivity through a router between the floating network and the Manila share server as illustrated on the diagram.
The diagram depicts a common share server configuration.