MCP Ironic supported features and known limitations

MCP Ironic supported features and known limitations

This section lists the Ironic drivers and features with known limitations that MCP DriveTrain supports. The driver or feature support in this section stands for the ability of MCP DriveTrain to deploy and configure the features by means of the Ironic Salt formula through the cluster model.

Supported Ironic drivers in MCP include:

  • The ipmi hardware type with the iscsi deploy interface (the pxe_ipmitool classic driver)
  • The ilo hardware type with the iscsi deploy interface (the pxe_ilo classic driver)


Ironic provides an ability to configure both classic drivers and new drivers. The latter drivers are also known as hardware types.

MCP DriveTrain does not support any other than listed above classic drivers and hardware types with other interfaces.

The following table includes the Ironic features and specifies the support status for these features in MCP. The status of any of the items included in this table may change in the future MCP release versions.

MCP Ironic supported features and known limitations
Ironic feature Support status for MCP Ironic
The integration of Cinder that includes the functionality to boot from an iSCSI back-end volume. Supported
The PXE and iPXE boot Supported, iPXE by default
The Ironic integration with the Fluentd logging Supported since Queens
The configuration of CORS for ironic-api Supported since Queens
Multitenancy support Supported
The automated cleanup enablement and setting priorities for the default cleaning steps Supported
The ability to fine-tune the Ironic conductor performance Not supported
The configuration of the console support for the bare metal nodes Supported since the MCP 2019.2.4 update, shellinabox by default
The ironic-inspector and Ironic integration with ironic-inspector Not supported
The configuration of a custom path to the iPXE boot script Not supported
Compatibility with OpenContrail Not supported

MCP does not provide pre-built images for RAMDisk deployment to be used by Ironic during the node provisioning, as well as end-user images to be deployed on bare metal nodes due to high dependency from the hardware specifics.