Install Mirantis Container Runtime for Oracle Linux


Mirantis Container Runtime (MCR) does not support the Oracle Linux Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel (UEK).

You can install Mirantis Container Runtime (MCR) either through the use of a repository, or by downloading and installing RPM packages.

Install and upgrade MCR from a repository

Mirantis recommends that you install MCR from our Docker repository using DNF, a tool for RPM-based distributions that works with your repositories to manage dependencies and provide automatic updates.


It is not necessary to uninstall older versions of Docker or Mirantis Container Runtime prior to upgrading as package conflicts are resolved automatically by DNF.

Set up the repository

You only need to set the repository up once. After doing so, you can install MCR from the repo and repeatedly upgrade the software as necessary.

Create or modify the /etc/yum.repos.d/docker-ee.repo file to contain the following:

name=Mirantis Container Runtime


  • $releasever and $basearch are repo variables that must be placed into the /etc/yum.repos.d/docker-ee.repo file exactly as written.

  • The final baseurl path segment is the update channel, which determines which MCR releases will be available for installation and upgrade. The value for the latest MCR 25.0.x patch is stable-25.0 and the value for the latest MCR 25.0.x patch with the FIPS-mode variant is stable-25.0/fips.

Install from the repository

Run the following command to install MCR from the repository:

sudo dnf install docker-ee

If you are prompted to accept the GPG key, first verify that the key has the fingerprint 77FE DA13 1A83 1D29 A418 D3E8 99E5 FF2E 7668 2BC9.

Upgrade from the repository

Run dnf upgrade to keep your MCR installation up to date with the latest MCR release that is available in the update channel you selected during the repository setup.

Install and upgrade MCR from a package

If for some reason you cannot use the repository MCR install method, you can perform manual installation with the .rpm package files for your release. Be aware, though, that you will need to download new packages each time you want to upgrade MCR.

Install with a package

  1. Download the packages for your Oracle Linux distribution, the links for which are available in the MCR release notes.

  2. Install MCR.

    sudo dnf install path/to/downloaded/packages/*.rpm

Upgrade from a package

  1. Download the newer .rpm packages for your Oracle Linux version.

  2. Upgrade MCR.

    sudo dnf install path/to/downloaded/packages/*.rpm

Initial setup

The Docker service is not started automatically at MCR installation. The docker group is created, but without any users added to the group.

  1. Configure Docker to start at boot up and start Docker.

    sudo systemctl enable --now docker.service
  2. Run the hello-world image to verify that MCR is correctly installed. This command downloads a test image, runs it in a container, prints an informational message, and exits:

    sudo docker run hello-world


Use sudo to run docker commands. For information on how to allow non-privileged users to run docker commands, refer to the official Docker documentation Manage Docker as a non-root user.

Uninstall Mirantis Container Runtime

  1. Uninstall the Mirantis Container Runtime package:

    sudo dnf remove docker-ee
  2. Delete all images, containers, and volumes, as these are not automatically removed from your host:

    sudo rm -rf /var/lib/docker
  3. Delete all other Docker-related resources:

    sudo rm -rf /run/docker /var/run/docker /etc/docker
  4. Manually delete any edited configuration files.