Debugging the OpenStack Controller

The OpenStack Controller is running in several containers in the openstack-controller-xxxx pod in the osh-system namespace. For the full list of containers and their roles, refer to OpenStack Controller.

To verify the status of the OpenStack Controller, run:

kubectl -n osh-system get pods

Example of a system response:

NAME                                  READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
openstack-controller-5c6947c996-vlrmv            5/5     Running     0          17m
openstack-controller-admission-f946dc8d6-6bgn2   1/1     Running     0          4h9m
openstack-operator-ensure-resources-5ls8k        0/1     Completed   0          4h12m

To verify the logs for the osdpl container, run:

kubectl -n osh-system logs -f <openstack-controller-xxxx> -c osdpl