Enable contrail-tools


You can enable the Tungsten Fabric (TF) contrail-tools in the TF 2011 deployments only.

Contrail-tools is a container that provides a centralized location for all available TF tools and CLI commands. The container includes such utilities as vif, flow, nh and other tools to debug network issues. MOSK deploys contrail-tools using the TF operator through the TFOperator CR.

To enable the TF contrail-tools Deployment using the TF operator:

  1. Enable the tools Deployment in the TF Operator resource for the Operator to start the Pods with utilities to debug TF on nodes with the tfvrouter:enabled label:

            enabled: true
              tfvrouter: enabled


    Use the labels section to specify target nodes for the contrail-tools Deployment. If the labels section is not specified, the tf-tool-ctools-<xxxxx> Pods will be scheduled to all available nodes in current Deployment.

  2. Wait until the tf-tool-ctools-<xxxxx> Pods are ready in the tf namespace.


    The <xxxxx> string in a Pod name consists of random alpha-numeric symbols generated by Kubernetes to differentiate the tf-tool-ctools Pods.

  3. Use interactive shell in the tf-tool-ctools-<xxxxx> Pod to debug current Deployment or run commands through kubectl, for example:

    kubectl -n tf exec tf-tool-ctools-<xxxxx> -- vif --list
  4. Disable the tools Deployment:

    kubectl -n tf patch tfoperator <TFOperator CR name> --type='json' -p='[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/controllers/tf-tool/tools/enabled", "value": false}]'
  5. Manually remove the DaemonSet with contrail-tools:

    kubectl -n tf delete ds tf-tool-ctools