Components overview

Mirantis OpenStack for Kubernetes (MOSK) includes the following key design elements.

HelmBundle Operator

The HelmBundle Operator is the realization of the Kubernetes Operator pattern that provides a Kubernetes custom resource of the HelmBundle kind and code running inside a pod in Kubernetes. This code handles changes, such as creation, update, and deletion, in the Kubernetes resources of this kind by deploying, updating, and deleting groups of Helm releases from specified Helm charts with specified values.


The OpenStack platform manages virtual infrastructure resources, including virtual servers, storage devices, networks, and networking services, such as load balancers, as well as provides management functions to the tenant users.

Various OpenStack services are running as pods in Kubernetes and are represented as appropriate native Kubernetes resources, such as Deployments, StatefulSets, and DaemonSets.

For a simple, resilient, and flexible deployment of OpenStack and related services on top of a Kubernetes cluster, MOSK uses OpenStack-Helm that provides a required collection of the Helm charts.

Also, MOSK uses OpenStack Operator as the realization of the Kubernetes Operator pattern. The OpenStack Operator provides a custom Kubernetes resource of the OpenStackDeployment kind and code running inside a pod in Kubernetes. This code handles changes such as creation, update, and deletion in the Kubernetes resources of this kind by deploying, updating, and deleting groups of the Helm releases.


Ceph is a distributed storage platform that provides storage resources, such as objects and virtual block devices, to virtual and physical infrastructure.

MOSK uses Rook as the implementation of the Kubernetes Operator pattern that manages resources of the CephCluster kind to deploy and manage Ceph services as pods on top of Kubernetes to provide Ceph-based storage to the consumers, which include OpenStack services, such as Volume and Image services, and underlying Kubernetes through Ceph CSI (Container Storage Interface).

The Ceph Controller is the implementation of the Kubernetes Operator pattern, that manages resources of the MiraCeph kind to simplify management of the Rook-based Ceph clusters.

StackLight Logging, Monitoring, and Alerting

The StackLight component is responsible for collection, analysis, and visualization of critical monitoring data from physical and virtual infrastructure, as well as alerting and error notifications through a configured communication system, such as email. StackLight includes the following key sub-components:

  • Prometheus

  • OpenSearch

  • OpenSearch Dashboards

  • Fluentd