System requirements

Mirantis Launchpad is a static binary that works on following operating systems:

  • Linux (x64)

  • MacOS (x64)

  • Windows (x64)


The setup must meet MKE system requirements, in addition to the requirements for running Launchpad.

The following operating systems support MKE:

  • MKEx (Rocky&OSTree)

  • CentOS 7

  • CentOS 8

  • Oracle Linux 7

  • Redhat Enterprise Linux 7

  • Redhat Enterprise Linux 8

  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12

  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15

  • Ubuntu 18.04

  • Ubuntu 20.04

  • Windows Server 2019

Hardware requirements

  • 8GB of RAM for manager nodes

  • 4GB of RAM for worker nodes

  • 2 vCPUs for manager nodes

  • 10GB of free disk space for the /var partition on manager nodes (A minimum of 6GB is recommended.)

  • Recommended for Production

  • 16GB of RAM for manager nodes

  • 4 vCPUs for manager nodes

  • 25-100GB of free disk space


Windows container images are typically larger than Linux container images, and thus it is necessary to provision more local storage for Windows nodes.

Permissions and privilege levels

Launchpad remote management must have high privilege on your system, both to prepare the system for installation and to perform the installation. This level of access is necessary for package managent, and also to allow remote users to execute MCR docker commands.


For security reasons, Launchpad should not be executed with root/admin user authentication on any machine.

Package Management

Launchpad uses sudo commands to manage several packages through a system package manager, as detailed below:

  • Install the key components needed for installing Mirantis products:


    Used to retrieve the MCR installation script


    MCR dependencies


    Enables Prometheus management in certain scenarios

    RHEL rh-amazon-rhui-client

    Used by AWS for various management tasks

  • Add remote users to the MCR group docker to allow docker commands.

  • Run the MCR installation script:

    • Add package repositories for the MCR packages.

    • Remove conflicting Docker-EE packages from the system.

    • Install MCR, through the system package manager.

  • Optional. Uninstall MCR, by removing installed packages.

  • Optional. Prune MCR installations during unintall, by deleting system folders created by MCR.

>>>>>>> CHANGE (a34580 [Launchpad 1.5.6] Insert sudo privilege requirements.)

Remote management

Launchpad connects through the use of a cryptographic network protocol (SSH on Linux systems, SSH or WinRM on Windows systems), and as such these must be set up on all host instances.


Only passwordless sudo capable SSH Key-Based authentication is currently supported. On Windows the user must have administrator privileges.


OpenSSH is the open-source version of the Secure Shell (SSH) tools used by administrators of Linux and other non-Windows operating systems for cross-platform management of remote systems. It is included in Windows Server 2019.

  1. To enable SSH on Windows, you can run the following PowerShell snippets, modified for your specific configuration, on each Windows host.

    # Install OpenSSH
    Add-WindowsCapability -Online -Name OpenSSH.Client~~~~
    Add-WindowsCapability -Online -Name OpenSSH.Server~~~~
    Start-Service sshd
    Set-Service -Name sshd -StartupType 'Automatic'
    # Configure ssh key authentication
    mkdir c:\Users\Administrator\.ssh\
    $sshdConf = 'c:\ProgramData\ssh\sshd_config'
    (Get-Content $sshdConf).replace('#PubkeyAuthentication yes', 'PubkeyAuthentication yes') | Set-Content $sshdConf
    (Get-Content $sshdConf).replace('Match Group administrators', '#Match Group administrators') | Set-Content $sshdConf
    (Get-Content $sshdConf).replace('       AuthorizedKeysFile __PROGRAMDATA__/ssh/administrators_authorized_keys', '#       AuthorizedKeysFile __PROGRAMDATA__/ssh/administrators_authorized_keys') | Set-Content $sshdConf
    restart-service sshd
  2. Transfer your SSH public key from your local machine to the host, using the following example but with your own values.

    # Transfer SSH Key to Server
    scp ~/.ssh/ Administrator@\Users\Administrator\.ssh\authorized_keys
    ssh --% Administrator@ powershell -c $ConfirmPreference = 'None'; Repair-AuthorizedKeyPermission C:\Users\Administrator\.ssh\authorized_keys


As an alternative to SSH, WinRM can be used on Windows hosts.

Ports Used

When installing an MKE cluster, a series of ports must be opened to incoming traffic.