System requirements

Mirantis Secure Registry can be installed on-premises or on the cloud. Before installing, be sure your infrastructure has these requirements.

You can install MSR on-premises or on a cloud provider. To install MSR, all nodes must:

  • Be a worker node managed by MKE (Mirantis Kubernetes Engine)

  • Have a fixed hostname

Minimum requirements:

  • 16GB of RAM for nodes running MSR

  • 4 vCPUs for nodes running MSR

  • 25GB of free disk space

Recommended production requirements:

  • 32GB of RAM for nodes running MSR

  • 4 vCPUs for nodes running MSR

  • 100GB of free disk space

Note that Windows container images are typically larger than Linux ones and for this reason, you should consider provisioning more local storage for Windows nodes and for MSR setups that will store Windows container images.

When the image scanning feature is used, we recommend that you have at least 32 GB of RAM. As developers and teams push images into MSR, the repository grows over time. As such, you should regularly inspect RAM, CPU, and disk usage on MSR nodes, and increase resources whenever resource saturation is seen to occur on a regular basis.