rethinkdb row cannot be restored¶
During the Restore stage of the migration workflow, you may encounter an error message that indicates an issue with rethinkdb row restoration:
Can't restore rethinkdb row: rethinkdb: Cannot perform write: lost contact
with primary replica in:\n<rethink-db-statement>
Kubernetes deployments¶
The error is reported when the rethinkdb Pod for the destination MSR 3.x installation does not have enough disk space available due to the sizing of its provisioned volume.
Edit the
file you used for MSR deployment, changing therethinkdb.cluster.persistentVolume.size
value to match the source RethinkDB volume sizeRun the helm upgrade --values <path to values.yaml> msr msr/msr command.
Swarm deployments¶
The error is reported when the node on which RethinkDB is running on the target MSR system does not have enough available disk space.
SSH into the node on which RethinkDB is running.
Review the amount of disk space used by the docker daemon on the node:
docker system df
Review the total size and available storage of the node filesystem:
Allocate more storage to the host machine on which the target node is running.