Manage content structure using API¶
Comments after (//
) are for informational purposes only, and the
example payloads have been clipped for brevity.
Repository event content structure¶
Tag push¶
"namespace": "", // (string) namespace/organization for the repository
"repository": "", // (string) repository name
"tag": "", // (string) the name of the tag just pushed
"digest": "", // (string) sha256 digest of the manifest the tag points to (e.g. "sha256:0afb...")
"imageName": "", // (string) the fully-qualified image name including MSR host used to pull the image (e.g.
"os": "", // (string) the OS for the tag's manifest
"architecture": "", // (string) the architecture for the tag's manifest
"author": "", // (string) the username of the person who pushed the tag
"pushedAt": "", // (string) JSON-encoded timestamp of when the push occurred
Tag delete¶
"namespace": "", // (string) namespace/organization for the repository
"repository": "", // (string) repository name
"tag": "", // (string) the name of the tag just deleted
"digest": "", // (string) sha256 digest of the manifest the tag points to (e.g. "sha256:0afb...")
"imageName": "", // (string) the fully-qualified image name including MSR host used to pull the image (e.g.
"os": "", // (string) the OS for the tag's manifest
"architecture": "", // (string) the architecture for the tag's manifest
"author": "", // (string) the username of the person who deleted the tag
"deletedAt": "", // (string) JSON-encoded timestamp of when the delete occurred
Manifest push¶
"namespace": "", // (string) namespace/organization for the repository
"repository": "", // (string) repository name
"digest": "", // (string) sha256 digest of the manifest (e.g. "sha256:0afb...")
"imageName": "", // (string) the fully-qualified image name including MSR host used to pull the image (e.g.
"os": "", // (string) the OS for the manifest
"architecture": "", // (string) the architecture for the manifest
"author": "", // (string) the username of the person who pushed the manifest
Manifest delete¶
"namespace": "", // (string) namespace/organization for the repository
"repository": "", // (string) repository name
"digest": "", // (string) sha256 digest of the manifest (e.g. "sha256:0afb...")
"imageName": "", // (string) the fully-qualified image name including MSR host used to pull the image (e.g.
"os": "", // (string) the OS for the manifest
"architecture": "", // (string) the architecture for the manifest
"author": "", // (string) the username of the person who deleted the manifest
"deletedAt": "", // (string) JSON-encoded timestamp of when the delete occurred
Security scan completed¶
"namespace": "", // (string) namespace/organization for the repository
"repository": "", // (string) repository name
"tag": "", // (string) the name of the tag scanned
"imageName": "", // (string) the fully-qualified image name including MSR host used to pull the image (e.g.
"scanSummary": {
"namespace": "", // (string) repository's namespace/organization name
"repository": "", // (string) repository name
"tag": "", // (string) the name of the tag just pushed
"critical": 0, // (int) number of critical issues, where CVSS >= 7.0
"major": 0, // (int) number of major issues, where CVSS >= 4.0 && CVSS < 7
"minor": 0, // (int) number of minor issues, where CVSS > 0 && CVSS < 4.0
"last_scan_status": 0, // (int) enum; see scan status section
"check_completed_at": "", // (string) JSON-encoded timestamp of when the scan completed
Security scan failed¶
"namespace": "", // (string) namespace/organization for the repository
"repository": "", // (string) repository name
"tag": "", // (string) the name of the tag scanned
"imageName": "", // (string) the fully-qualified image name including MSR host used to pull the image (e.g.
"error": "", // (string) the error that occurred while scanning
Namespace-specific event structure¶
Repository event (created/updated/deleted)¶
"namespace": "", // (string) repository's namespace/organization name
"repository": "", // (string) repository name
"event": "", // (string) enum: "REPO_CREATED", "REPO_DELETED" or "REPO_UPDATED"
"author": "", // (string) the name of the user responsible for the event
"data": {} // (object) when updating or creating a repo this follows the same format as an API response from /api/v0/repositories/{namespace}/{repository}
Global event structure¶
Security scanner update complete¶
"scanner_version": "",
"scanner_updated_at": "", // (string) JSON-encoded timestamp of when the scanner updated
"db_version": 0, // (int) newly updated database version
"db_updated_at": "", // (string) JSON-encoded timestamp of when the database updated
"success": <true|false> // (bool) whether the update was successful
"replicas": { // (object) a map keyed by replica ID containing update information for each replica
"replica_id": {
"db_updated_at": "", // (string) JSON-encoded time of when the replica updated
"version": "", // (string) version updated to
"replica_id": "" // (string) replica ID
Security scan status codes¶
0: Failed. An error occurred checking an image’s layer
1: Unscanned. The image has not yet been scanned
2: Scanning. Scanning in progress
3: Pending: The image will be scanned when a worker is available
4: Scanned: The image has been scanned but vulnerabilities have not yet been checked
5: Checking: The image is being checked for vulnerabilities
6: Completed: The image has been fully security scanned